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JCDL 2016 : Joint Conference on Digital Libraries


Conference Series : ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
When Jun 19, 2016 - Jun 23, 2016
Where Newark, New Jersey, USA
Submission Deadline Jan 24, 2016
Notification Due Mar 16, 2016
Categories    digital libraries   information retrieval   digital preservation   big data

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2016

June 19-23, 2016 Newark, NJ
Twitter: @jcdl2016

The theme of the 2016 JCDL conference is Big Libraries, Big Data, Big Innovation. As more of our interaction with libraries happens digitally, interfaces and tools for access have become increasingly important. An important issue for digital libraries is how to provide users with improved access to materials. We have big data -- how can we help scholars use those resources to make new discoveries in their own fields?

The organizers of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2016 invite paper submissions. This year, we particularly invite papers that propose new access methods for digital libraries, develop technologies for analyzing holdings, and that report on innovative uses of digital libraries for discovery and exploration in science, art, and the humanities. We encourage paper submissions that relate to the conference theme, but the program will not be limited to this area.

Paper authors may choose between two formats: Full papers and short papers. Both formats will be rigorously peer reviewed. Complete papers are required -- abstracts and incomplete papers will not be reviewed. All papers must be original contributions. The material must therefore not have been previously published or be under review for publication elsewhere. Both formats will be included in the proceedings and will be presented at the conference.

Full papers:
* At most 10 pages
* Report on mature work, or efforts that have reached an important milestone.
* Typically will be presented in 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and discussion

Short papers:
* At most 4 pages
* Highlight efforts that might be in an early stage, but are important for the community to be made aware of, can also present theories or systems that can be described concisely in the limited space
* Typically will be presented in 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and

All accepted papers will be published by ACM as conference proceedings and electronic versions will be included in both the ACM and IEEE digital libraries.

Important dates:
(all deadlines at 11:59 PM Hawaii Std. Time on the date)
Submission deadline: January 24, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2016

Submission details:
The paper should use the ACM Proceedings template,located at:

Paper submissions are to be submitted in electronic format via the conference's EasyChair submission page. Please see the conference home page for instructions.

For more information: If you have questions, please contact the JCDL 2016 program co-chairs: Richard Furuta ( and Michele Weigle (

About JCDL:
JCDL is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and social issues. JCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term digital libraries, including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions and organizations; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, distributing, and accessing digital content; theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing; and theory and practice of use of managed content in science and education.

Related Resources

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