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GvDB 2016 : 27.GI-Workshop - Grundlagen von Datenbanken


When May 24, 2016 - May 27, 2016
Where Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 13, 2016
Notification Due Apr 18, 2016
Final Version Due Apr 25, 2016
Categories    databases   big data   linked open data   security

Call For Papers

CfP 27.GI-workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken"

The 27.GI-workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" will take place on
24.05.2016 to the 27.05.2016 in Nörten-Hardenberg, Lower Saxony, Germany and will
be supported by the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI).
This four-day workshop is hosted by the GI working group fundamentals of
information systems in the department databases and information systems
(DBIS) and has the subject of theoretical, conceptual and methodological
foundations of databases and information systems. In the year 2016, the
workshop is organized by the research group knowledge engineering of
Georg-August-University Göttingen.
The workshop is designed to promote the communication between scientists
in German-speaking countries, dealing with the basics of databases and
information systems. It is especially intended as a forum for young
scientists who want to present and discuss their latest works in a
larger forum. In contrast to the often anonymous atmosphere of great
conferences, the multi-day workshop (almost) in retreat allows a much
more intensive contact to other participants and, hence, provides an
ideal setting for open and stimulating discussions as in the previous
years. Especially young scientists are benefitting from this exchange of
experiences. In this year, the workshop will take place in the idyllic
hotel "Sachsenross" in Nörten-Hardenberg. The hotel is located
near Göttingen in Lower Saxony and invites you for a visit. The venue offers
space for open and inspiring discussions about databases and information
Also participations without presentation is possible, but the limited
number of participants may require a selection. If you are interested in
attending, you can submit your paper in PDF format here until the

Topics of Interest

All topics from the fields of databases and information systems are
relevant for this workshop.
These include (among others):

* Adaptive system and personalization
* Big data
* Collaborative data analysis
* Content-based retrieval
* Consistency
* Databases in the cloud
* Databases on modern hardware
* Database performance
* Data integration
* Data mining and knowledge discovery
* Data visualization
* E-Commerce, M-Commerce and databases
* ENGERGY aware databases
* Graph databases
* Geographic information system
* Image and video database system
* Imprecise and uncertain information
* In-memory databases
* Linked open data
* Mobile computing, privacy and databases
* NoSQL databases
* OLAP and OLTP processing
* Parallel and distributed databases
* Physical representation of data
* Query processing and optimization
* Real-time database system
* Recommendation system
* Replication, caching, materialized views
* Security
* Scientific databases
* Spatial and temporal databases
* Streaming data
* Similarity queries
* Social media
* Transactions and recovery
* Unstructured data

Submission Guidelines

Papers should not exceed 6 pages in length.
All papers must be written in English or German and submitted as PDF
documents in ACM - 2 columns format
through the online submission system EasyChair:
Paper submissions will be reviewed in a single blind review process by
the workshop program committee and by designated reviewers.
Papers will be evaluated based on originality, relevance, and technical
Accepted papers will be published on CEUR-WS (with an ISSN).The workshop
is listed in DBLP.

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