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FGCS: SerCo 2017 : FGCS Special Issue on High Performance Services Computing and Internet Technologies


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2017
Notification Due Mar 31, 2018
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2018
Categories    service computing   high performance   data intensive tasks   lambda services

Call For Papers

Since its establishment as a software design style, Service Oriented Architectures have taken the ICT world by storm. The Lego pieces logic thrived through Cloud Computing and it is now considered the standard approach in practically every application framework. The keyword for this success is adaptivity: Service Oriented Architectures are implemented through a wide range of technologies and tools leading to numerous combinations that meet the application requirements in the desired way.

But there is a specific combination of application characteristics and requirements that seemingly put SOAs to the test: data-intensive tasks coupled with performance and temporal requirements. The challenge is justified because SOAs are simply not meant to deal with shifting large data volumes between nodes. And unfortunately this is a common problem nowadays: IoT and big data applications are simply two general application categories that come with exactly those characteristics and -more often than not- with the said temporal requirements. To a certain extent the problem is mitigated through the increase of the SOA infrastructures’ computing and storage node density while “stretching” them at the same time. Edge and fog computing as well as lambda services are emerging trends that validate the concept.

This special issue invites research communities from a diverse set of scientific areas such as cloud, distributed, parallel and high-performance computing to publish their work and share opinions about applications, challenges and viable solutions to the potential new systems emerging from the need to deal with data intensive application tasks within a SOA framework.

The issue will focus on technologies and solutions related (but not limited) to:

- Foundational aspects of SOA, Services Computing and HPC
- Service oriented computing architectures for Big data and data-intensive tasks
- Internet of Things Technologies
- Edge and Fog Computing
- HPC Cloud and Services oriented computing
- Service-oriented Computing for Smart Systems and Cyber Physical Systems
- System Virtualization and Container infrastructures for Service Computing
- Microservice-based systems and architectures
- Lambda and nano services
- Service migration and other approaches to Elastic Computing
- Operations and Management for Service-Based Systems
- Software Engineering and Programming models for Service Oriented Computing
- Service-oriented Business Models and Business Process Integration
- Standards and Specifications of Services
- Service Security, Privacy and Trust
- Use cases for Service-oriented Computing

The special issue solicits articles that present actual applications that pose temporal constraints to SOA systems and demonstrate the problems, solutions and challenges faced in each case.


Submission deadline: December 31, 2017
Notification to authors: March 31, 2018
Submission of revised versions of manuscripts: May 31, 2018
Second revision (if needed): June 30, 2018
Final versions due: August 31, 2018

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal web site ( Contributions must contain original unpublished work not concurrently submitted or under review anywhere else. Please select "VSI: SerCo" when reaching the step of selecting article type name in submission process.

Paper length should be between 8 to 10 pages at the initial submission stage. After integration of reviewers' comments, the final length can be up to 12 pages.

Dr. Emanuele Carlini - ISTI-CNR (
Dr. Patrizio Dazzi - ISTI-CNR (
Dr. Massimo Coppola - ISTI-CNR (
Dr. Konstantinos Tserpes - Harokopio University of Athens (
Dr. Dimitrios Zissis - University of the Aegean (

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