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ECSA 2020 : 14th European Conference on Software Architecture


Conference Series : European Conference on Software Architecture
When Sep 14, 2019 - Sep 18, 2019
Where L'Aquila, Italy
Submission Deadline May 4, 2020
Categories    software architectures

Call For Papers



ECSA 2020: 14th European Conference on Software Architecture

Sept. 14-18, 2020, L’Aquila, Italy

Follow ECSA on Twitter: @ECSACONF


The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent, innovative and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice.

The 14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2020) will be held on 14-18 September 2020 in L’Aquila, Italy.

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= Research Papers

We invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished results in all areas related to software architecture. The program committee seeks submissions of papers describing basic and applied research, novel applications and experience reports on all topics related to software architectures.

= Industrial Track

We invite submissions of papers presenting challenges, innovations and solutions to concrete industrial applications of software architecture.

= Workshops Track

We encourage experienced community members and new-comers to submit proposals for one or two-day workshops in the field, and in particular, workshops on emerging areas related to conference topics.

= Tools, Posters and Demonstrations Track

This track invites the community to share live demonstrations and tools, but also to demonstrate new ideas on posters.

= Doctoral symposium

This track highlights early doctoral proposal to be reviewed and commented on by a panel of experts.

= Gender Diversity in Software Architecture track

This track will provide a forum for discussions about how to achieve more diversity in SE/STEM. Both women and men are invited to collaborate and attend this track.

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= Research, Educational & Training, and Short Papers

Paper submission: May 4, 2020 (strict)

Notification: June 8, 2020


= Industry Track: Full papers

Paper submission: May 4, 2020 (strict)

Notification: June 8, 2020


= Industry Track: Presentations and Tutorials

Paper submission: June 10, 2020

Notification: June 29, 2020

= Workshop Proposals

Proposal submission: April 6, 2020

Notification: April 13, 2020

Paper submission: June 10, 2020

Notification: June 29, 2020


= Tool Demos

Paper submission: June 10, 2020

Notification: June 29, 2020


= Doctoral Symposium

Research Summary and Letter of Recommendation submission: June 10, 2020

Notification: June 29, 2020


= Gender Diversity in Software Architecture

Paper submission: June 10, 2020

Notification: June 29, 2020


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= General Chair

Henry Muccini, University of L’Aquila, Italy

= PC Co-Chairs

Ipek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ivano Malavolta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

= Industrial Track Co-chairs

Olaf Zimmermann, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland

Anton Jansen, Philips, Netherlands

= Workshops Co-Chairs

Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Mauro Caporuscio, Linnaeus University, Sweden

= Tools, Posters, Demos Co-Chairs

Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Barbora Buhnova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

= Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs

Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Patrizia Scandurra, University of Bergamo, Italy

= Gender Diversity in Software Architecture Track Co-Chairs

Catia Trubiani, Gran Sasso Science Institute, France

Javier Cámara, University of York, United Kingdom

= Publicity Co-Chairs

Stéphanie Challita, Inria, France

Juergen Musil, TU Wien, Austria

= Proceedings Chair

Mirco Franzago, University of L’Aquila, Italy

= Student Volunteer Chair

Jamal El Hachem, Irisa, France

Roberta Capuano, University of L’Aquila, Italy

= Web Chair

Karthik Vaidhyanathan, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy

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Twitter: @ECSACONF


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