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RTCSA 2010 : The 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications


Conference Series : Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
When Aug 23, 2010 - Aug 25, 2010
Where Macau
Submission Deadline Apr 9, 2010
Notification Due May 21, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 11, 2010
Categories    embedded systems   real-time systems   ubiquitous computing

Call For Papers

Embedded software has become a necessity in almost every aspect of the daily lives of individuals and organizations, from self-contained applications to those embedded in various devices and services (mobile phones, vital sign sensors, medication dispensers, home appliances, engine ignition systems, etc). A large proportion of these systems are mission/life critical and performance sensitive.

The 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2010) will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real-time systems, and ubiquitous computing applications. The conference has the following goals: to investigate advances in embedded and real-time systems and ubiquitous computing applications; to promote interaction among the areas of embedded computing, real-time computing and ubiquitous computing; to evaluate the maturity and directions of embedded and real-time system and ubiquitous computing technology. RTCSA 2010 invites submissions of papers presenting a high quality original research and development for the conference tracks: (1) Embedded Systems, (2) Real-time Systems, and (3) Ubiquitous Computing.

Scopes: Following the tradition of RTCSA, the conference has three tracks: embedded systems, real-time systems, and ubiquitous computing.

The interested topics include:
Embedded Systems Track:
- Software design and debugging for heterogeneous multi-core embedded platform
- Multi-thread programming for multi-core embedded platform
- System integration/collaboration for systems of embedded systems
- Operating systems and scheduling
- System-on-chip design
- HW/SW co-design
- Power/thermal-aware design issues
- Embedded multimedia applications
- Embedded system design practices
- Networks-on-chip design
- Embedded system architecture
- Design optimization (memory, performance etc.)

Real-Time Systems Track:
- Real-time operating systems
- Real-time scheduling
- Timing analysis
- Databases
- Programming languages and run-time systems
- Middleware systems
- Design and analysis tools
- Communication networks and protocols
- Case studies and applications
- Media processing and transmissions
- Real-time aspects of Wireless sensor networks
- Energy aware real-time methods

Ubiquitous Computing Track:
- Real-time issues in ubiquitous computing
- Tools, Infrastructures and Architectures for Ubiquitous Computing
- Devices and Enabling Technologies for Ubiquitous Computing
- Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
- Ubiquitous Computing Applications
- User Interfaces and Interaction Design Issues for Ubiquitous Computing
- Privacy and Security Issues and implications of Ubiquitous Computing
- Location-dependent and context-aware computing
- Evaluation Methods for Ubiquitous Computing devices, systems, and applications

Paper Submissions:
The submitted manuscript must describe original work not previously published and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions should be no more than 10 pages in IEEE conference proceedings format (two-column, single-space, 10pt). The perspective authors should submit their papers on RTCSA 2010 paper submission site:
Organizing Committee:

Steering Committee:
Joseph K. Ng, Hong Kong Baptist University, China (Chair)
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Seongsoo Hong Seoul National University, Korea
Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan
Jorgen Hansson, CMU, USA
Sang H. Son, University of Virginia, USA

General Co-Chairs
Wei Zhao, Univ. of Macau, Macau
Raj Rajkumar, CMU, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Embedded Systems: Jason Xue, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Real-Time Systems: Eduardo Tovar, CISTER-ISEP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
Ubiquitous Comp: Biao Chen, Univ. of Macau, Macau

Web Chair:
Filipe Pacheco, CISTER-ISEP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

Publication Chair:
Victor Lee, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Thomas Nolte, Malardalen University, Sweden
Karl Leung, VTC, Hong Kong

Related Resources

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