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When Nov 25, 2016 - Nov 25, 2016
Where Delft, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Oct 14, 2016
Notification Due Nov 1, 2016
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2016
Categories    information retrieval

Call For Papers

DIR 2016 aims to serve as an international platform (with a special focus on the Netherlands and Belgium) for exchange and discussions on research & applications in the field of information retrieval as well as related fields. We invite quality research contributions addressing relevant challenges. Contributions may range from theoretical work to descriptions of applied research and real-world systems. We especially encourage doctoral students to present their research.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Document Representation and Content Analysis
* Queries and Query Analysis
* Retrieval Models and Ranking
* Search Engine Architectures and Scalability
* Users and Interactive IR
* Filtering and Recommending
* Evaluation
* Web IR and Social Media Search
* IR and Structured Data
* Multimedia IR
* Search applied to the Internet of Things
* IR for social good, including applications for non-profit organizations, governments, and social enterprises.
* Other Applications (digital libraries, enterprise search, genomics IR, legal IR, patent search, text reuse, new retrieval problems)


We accept two types of submissions:

(1) Novel contributions: research papers describing original research that has not yet been presented to a wider audience. Submission of this type must use the template for ACM proceedings ( The maximum page length is four pages including figures and references.

(2) Research dissemination: proposals to present research, which has already been published in high-impact venues. The proposal should contain a summary of the research conducted, a clear reference to the original publication and a short motivation of why this work is interesting to the DIR community. The proposal is limited to one page in ACM proceedings format.

Accepted submissions will be presented at the conference orally or as posters; the presentation mode will be determined based on the reviewers’ suggestions.


We accept submissions for DIR through Easychair:

Submission implies willingness of at least one author to register for DIR 2016 and present the work. Authors keep the copyright of their submissions.


Submission Deadline: October 14, 2016
Acceptance Notifications: November 1, 2016
Workshop: November 25, 2016


Robin Aly (University of Twente) Contact:
Guanliang Chen (Delft University of Technology)
Dan Davis (Delft University of Technology)
Claudia Hauff (Delft University of Technology)

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