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CYBSEC16 2016 : Cyber Security Conference


When Nov 1, 2016 - Nov 3, 2016
Where Yverdon, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2016
Notification Due Jul 1, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2016
Categories    information security   IOT   development

Call For Papers

Cyber Security Conference 2016

The CyberSec Conference (formerly Application Security Forum Western Switzerland) is a
well-established annual event dedicated to information security that will take place in
Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland) at Y-Parc on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2016.

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, will be dedicated to full-day training sessions
for security professionals. Therefore, we are looking for proposals of 1-day
basic or advanced trainings.

Wednesday and Thursday, November 2nd and 3rd, 2016, will offer a program of 45-minutes conferences
(including Q&A sessions). We are looking for proposals of talks presenting new security
research results as well as feedbacks from field expertise.

Topics of interest for both trainings and conferences include, but are not limited to:

* Critical infrastructures security (SCADA, ICS Defense)
* Mobile communications (4G/LTE) infrastructure security
* Financial technologies (Fintech) Security
* Threat Intelligence / Open source intelligence (OSINT)
* Threat Modeling
* Privacy
* Application Security
* Mobile Security
* Cloud Security
* Big Data Security
* Internet of Things (IoT) Security
* Digital Identity
* Cryptography
* Advanced exploitation techniques
* Software and hardware reverse engineering

Members of the Program Committee:

* Julien Bachmann, Kudelski Security (chair)
* Antonio Fontes, OWASP Switzerland
* Florian Gaultier, SCRT
* Alexandre Herzog, Compass Security
* Nicolas Ruff, Google
* Jonathan Salwan, Quarkslab
* Alain Sullam, immunIT

It will be possible to use English or French for the oral presentations during the trainings
and conferences, however we expect all the accompanying material (papers/slides/etc.) to be
written in English. Persons willing to submit one or more training and/or conference proposals
are invited to send us a single ASCII text file including the following information:

* a title;
* a 200-words abstract describing your training or your talk;
* rationale motivating why we should accept your proposal;
* a statement on whether your talk/training has already
been presented, or if it will be presented somewhere else
before the CYBSEC16;
* a statement on whether your talk/training will be given in
English or French;
* a list of authors and their affiliations;
* the name of the presenter(s);
* a picture of the presenter(s);
* complete contact information for the presenter(s), including
e-mail, web presence (website/blog/twitter/...), mobile
phone number and full home address;
* a short biography of the presenter(s);

* a precise table of contents of the training and/or the slides if
already available;
* an indication of the audience type for this training, including the
expected technical level and prerequisites of the participants;
* an indication of the lower and upper bound of the participants number;
* if neeeded, a list of special requirements (special network
access, required equipment, etc.)

* A description of the research presented in the talk with a
maximal length of 4 pages and/or the slides if already available;
* if needed, a list of special requirements (special network
access, equipment, etc.)

Accepted speakers and trainers will enjoy the following benefits:
* reimbursement of all travel costs
* paid accommodation (up to 3 nights)
* free admission to the two days of conferences, as well as the social events, including the legendary fondue evening.

ASCII text documents should be submitted at before June 1st, 2016,
23h59 CET.

Related Resources

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