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SiPS 2016 : IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems


Conference Series : Signal Processing Systems
When Oct 26, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016
Where Dallas, Texas
Submission Deadline May 31, 2016
Notification Due Jul 18, 2016
Final Version Due Aug 8, 2016
Categories    signal processing   VLSI   computer architecture   wireless communications

Call For Papers

Also see:

Update: Submission Deadline Extended through Tuesday, May 31th.

2016 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems is a major international forum for discussion of new technology progress and innovations in the design and implementation of digital signal processing systems. It addresses all aspects of architecture and design methods of these systems. Emphasis is on current and future challenges in research and development in both academia and industry. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:

VLSI Based Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
–Low-power signal processing circuits and applications

–High performance VLSI systems

–VLSI design for 100 Gbps and beyond networking systems

–FPGA and reconfigurable architecture based systems

–System-on-chip and network-on-chip

–VLSI Systems for Wireless Sensor Network and RF Identification Systems

Software Based Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
–Programmable digital signal processor architecture and systems

–Application specific instruction-set processor (ASIP) architecture and systems

–SIMD, VLIW and multi-core CPU architecture

–Graphic processing unit (GPU) based massively parallel implementation

–Embedded FPGA architectures

Design Methods of Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures
–Optimization of signal processing algorithms

–Compilers and tools for signal processing systems

–Algorithm transformation and algorithm-to-architecture mapping

–Error-Tolerant Techniques for Signal Processing

Signal Processing Application Systems
–Audio, speech and language processing

–Biomedical signal processing and bioinformatics

–Image, video and multimedia signal processing

–Information forensics, security and cryptography

–Machine learning for signal processing

–Sensing and sensor signal processing

–Autonomous energy harvesting-based sensor networks

–Signal processing for non-volatile memory systems

–Latency and power constrained signal processing techniques for high-speed networking

–Wireless communications and networking

–Coding and Compression

–Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Communication Systems

–Software Defined Radio

Emerging Technologies
–Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET)

–Cognitive radio networks

-Internet of Things (IoT)

-Deep learning and reconfigurable/ASIC processors

–Bio-inspired networks

–Context-aware mobile networking

–Wireless body area networks (WBANs)

–Implantable Communications

–Tele-medicine/e-health networks

Signal Processing Compensation Techniques for Analog and Digital VLSI
–Digital Compensation techniques for variations in Silicon process, temperature, aging

–Error Detection and Correction for Volatile and Non Volatile Memories

–Power Reduction and SNR Improvement for On-chip and off-chip interconnects and buses

–Digital Compensation Signal Processing for ADCs, power-amps, MEMS, power Controllers

Related Resources

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