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OPTENERGY 2016 : International Workshop on Optimization Challenges in the Evolution of Energy Networks to Smart Grids


When Oct 27, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016
Where Coimbra
Submission Deadline Sep 9, 2016
Notification Due Sep 20, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 20, 2016
Categories    smart grids   electricity   optimization

Call For Papers

[apologies for multiple postings]

Workshop on
“Optimization challenges in the evolution of energy networks to smart grids”
University of Coimbra, Portugal, 27-28 October 2016

with the support of COST Action TD1207 “Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks”

Scope and objectives
Energy Production and Distribution (EP&D) is among the biggest challenges of our time, since energy is a scarce resource whose efficient production and fair distribution is associated with many technical, economical, political and ethical issues like environmental protection and people health or equity of access to energy services. EP&D networks have rapidly increased in size and complexity, e.g. with the liberalisation and openness of markets within the EU. Thus, there is an increasing need of systems supporting the operational, regulatory and design decisions through highly inter-disciplinary approaches, where experts of all the concerned fields contribute to the definition of appropriate mathematical models. This is particularly challenging because these models require the simultaneous use of many different mathematical optimization tools and the verification by experts of the underlying engineering and financial issues.
The electric power system is an essential infrastructure of modern developed societies. The electricity network has been subject to steady technological developments involving the deployment of sensors, computation, advanced metering, communications, and control systems, as well as the integration of dispersed generation based on renewable sources imposing new technical challenges. Moreover, planning tasks have become more complex due to the unbundling of the industry value chain and market structures, also taking into account the need to offer new services to consumers and prosumers (simultaneously producers and consumers). The dissemination of storage devices and electric vehicles create further challenges, also regarding the pressure to provide increased levels of quality of service. In this global setting, the evolution of the electric power system to smart grids refers to the deployment and use of monitoring, analysis, bi-directional communication, and control technologies to manage the whole value chain of electricity from generation to consumption in a sustainable, reliable and efficient manner, facilitating the integration of new generation, namely that based on renewable sources, and empowering consumers through appropriate demand response mechanisms.
In addition, future energy networks are expected to become increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Optimization models and methods have a relevant role to play to cope with this complexity to develop smart networks within more integrated and sustainable energy system, encompassing electricity, gas, heat, and information and communication technologies. Therefore smart grid concepts refer to maximising the efficiency of the overall energy chain to ensure a smooth energy transition.
The objectives of this workshop are bringing together scientists, engineers, researchers, and students from academy and industry to share recent research and unveil new research directions concerning the use of optimization models and methods to address the challenges arising in the evolution of energy networks to smart grids.
Contributions to the workshop are expected to cover a wide range of topics including: integration of renewable energy generation, storage, demand forecast, demand side management and demand response, smart metering, system reliability and provision of ancillary services, microgrids, electricity smart grids, gas smart grids, network integration, information and communication technologies, internet of things, big data, and improved methods to optimize the resulting complex energy models.
Additional topics related to other optimization challenges in the evolution of energy networks to smart grids are welcome. Contributions reporting real-world case studies are particularly appreciated.

Guidelines for authors
Abstracts (one page, 2500 char. max) must be written in English and should be formatted according to the template.
Each participant can present just one paper, although he/she may co-author several papers.
The publication of a book or a special issue of a journal is foreseen, if there are a sufficient number of quality papers.

Important dates
9 September 2016 – Abstract submission
20 September 2016 – Notification of acceptance
7 October 2016 – Registration deadline
27-28 October 2016 – Workshop


Organizing Committee: Carlos Henggeler Antunes (Chair), António Gomes Martins, Carla Henriques, Dulce Coelho, Ana Soares, Humberto Jorge, Álvaro Gomes.

Scientific Committee: Thorsten Koch (Chair; TU Berlin), Antonio Frangioni (Pisa University), Ambros Gleixner (Zuse Institute Berlin) [To be completed]

Related Resources

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