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MobilePersuasion 2016 : Mobile Persuasive Technologies to Support Sustainable Behaviour


When Sep 6, 2016 - Sep 6, 2016
Where Florence - Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 10, 2016
Notification Due Jun 24, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2016
Categories    mobile   human computer interaction

Call For Papers

Over the last decade, supporting environmental and sustainable behavior has been a fast growing area in HCI research. Mobile persuasive technologies to support sustainable behaviour have gained wide interest as mobile devices offer an extremely pervasive and widespread means to reach and influence the target users.

This workshop intends to investigate recent developments on mobile persuasion for sustainability and explore future approaches and concepts in this area. The expected workshop outcome will be a deeper understanding on the challenges and future research directions with respect to mobile persuasive technology for sustainability.

We welcome diverse submissions that study recent advancements in mobile persuasive technology from various perspectives. As people differ in their susceptibility to different persuasive strategies we are interested in approaches that move beyond the notion of “one size fits all” and focus on adaptive and personalized mobile persuasive techniques and sustain users’ interest over time by considering different personality types. Moreover, we invite contributions that discuss the concept of context awareness. We are interested to identify how different types of context can be used and combined to support persuasive techniques (e.g. location information and users’ personality or mood). Another topic of interest refers to how timely and proactive delivery of information can enhance the persuasive potential of an approach in mobile settings. Information has to be provided to the user at the appropriate time, rather than assuming that they will find it themselves.

The accepted submissions will be included in the MobileHCI 2016 Adjunct Proceedings.

We will invite selected submissions to extend their papers in order to be published in a special issue of the Psychnology Journal.

At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register for the conference and the workshop.


The following list provides an overview of the main topics relevant to the workshop.

- Persuasive technologies for a sustainable environment
- Mobile persuasion designs
- Context-aware mobile persuasion
- Timing of mobile persuasive interventions
- Emerging possibilities for mobile persuasion through new technologies
- Personalization and recommendation technologies for mobile persuasion
- Novel applications (e.g. for energy efficiency, waste reduction, green mobility, water conservation)
- Evaluation of mobile persuasive technologies
- Ethical Considerations in Mobile persuasion

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