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IEEE IRI 2022 : IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science


When Aug 9, 2022 - Aug 11, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2022
Notification Due May 29, 2022
Final Version Due Jun 19, 2022
Categories    information reuse   information integration   reusable systems

Call For Papers

IRI aims to establish a community of researchers from academia and industry focusing on the capture, representation, maintenance, integration, validation, and extrapolation of information, as well as creation and use of knowledge to enhance decision-making in various application domains.

This conference explores three major tracks: information reuse, information integration, and reusable systems. Information reuse explores the theory and practice of optimizing representations; information integration focuses on innovative strategies and algorithms for unifying diverse information in novel domains; and reusable systems focus on developing and deploying models and corresponding processes for better decision-making in various application domains.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Information Reuse
--- Data Science & Technologies - Heuristic Acquisition
--- Data & Knowledge Representation and Management
--- Data Visualization
--- Information Science Theory
Track 2: Information Integration
--- Machine Learning & AI
--- AI and Security
--- Evolutionary Techniques
--- Statistical Analysis
Track 3: Reusable Systems
--- Software and Systems Reuse and Reusability
--- Software Sustainability and Reuse Economics
--- Software Maintenance and Life-Cycle Management
--- Software Reliability, Robustness, and Dependability
--- Platforms and Tools
--- Applications - Autonomous Vehicles, Business, Education, Engineering, Healthcare and Medical Informatics, the Internet of Things, Math, Military, Multimedia, NLP, Robotics, Science, Security, Social Networking, Space, Vision, etc.

Best Paper Awards:
IRI'22 will also select and present a Best Paper Award, a Best Student Paper Award, and a Best Poster Award.

Journal Special Issues will be organized to include the top papers accepted into IRI'22.

Important Dates:
Call for Workshop Proposals: March 6, 2022
Notification of Workshop Proposals: March 13, 2022
Deadline (full paper): April 24, 2022
Deadline (poster): May 15, 2022
Full paper acceptance notification: May 29, 2022
Poster acceptance notification: June 12, 2022
Camera ready submission deadline: June 19, 2022
Author registration due: July 3, 2022

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results pertaining to the above and related topics are solicited. Full papers must be in English of up to 6 pages (using the IEEE two-column template instructions). Six pages is typical and allows for extension of invited papers being extended for journal publication. Posters (including short research highlights and tool demos) are up to 2 pages. Submissions should be double blind and should include only the title and should not include the author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), tel/fax numbers, and postal address(es) in the paper. The online submission site will be announced later. The authors need to mark if their submission is for the "Regular Paper" or for the "Poster Track".
If web submission is not possible, please contact Dr. Nan Niu ( for alternate arrangements. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Paper & poster submission implies the intent of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper & poster in the virtual IRI'22 conference, if accepted.

Related Resources

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