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PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School 2010 : Sixth International Summer School - Privacy and Identity Management for Life | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.cs.kau.se/IFIP-summerschool/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Sixth International Summer School
organised jointly by the EU FP7 project PrimeLife and the IFIP Working Groups 9.2, 9.6/11.7 11.4, 11.6 Privacy and Identity Management for Life (PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School 2010) to be held in Helsingborg, Sweden, 2nd - 6th August 2010 in cooperation with the EU FP7 project ETICA http://www.cs.kau.se/IFIP-summerschool/ After the success of the 2009 PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School, the European project PrimeLife and IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing, Working Groups 9.2, 9.6/11.7 11.4, 11.6) will continue their joint cooperation. This year they will hold an International Summer School on the topic of Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Internet Applications throughout a Person's Lifetime. Emerging Internet Applications, such as Web 2.0 applications and cloud computing, increasingly pose privacy dilemmas. When they communicate over the Internet, individuals leave trails of personal data which may be stored for many years to come. In recent years, social network sites, where users tend to disclose very intimate personal details about their personal, social, and professional lives, have caused serious privacy concerns. The collaborative character of the Internet enables anyone to compose services and distribute information. Due to the low costs and technical advances of storage technologies, masses of personal data can easily be stored. Once disclosed, this data may be retained forever and be removed with difficulty. It has become hard for individuals to manage and control the release and use of information that concerns them. They may particularly find it difficult to eliminate outdated or unwanted personal information. These developments raise substantial new challenges for personal privacy at the technical, social, ethical, regulatory, and legal levels: * How can privacy be protected in emerging Internet applications such as collaborative scenarios and virtual communities? * What frameworks and tools could be used to gain, regain and maintain informational self-determination and lifelong privacy? Both IFIP, PrimeLife and ETICA take a holistic approach to technology and support interdisciplinary exchange. In particular, participants' contributions that combine technical, legal, regulatory, socio-economic, ethical, philosophical, or psychological perspectives are welcome. We are especially inviting contributions from students who are at the stage of preparing either masters' or doctoral theses qualifications. The school is interactive in character, and is composed of keynote lectures and seminars, tutorials and workshops with PhD student presentations. The principle is to encourage young academic and industry entrants to the privacy and identity management world to share their own ideas and to build up a collegial relationship with others. Students that actively participate, in particular those who present a paper, can receive a course certificate which awards 3 ECTS at the PhD level. The certificate can certify the topic of the contributed paper to demonstrate its relation or non-relation to the student's masters'/PhD thesis. Related European, national, or regional/community research projects are also very welcome to present papers or to organise workshops as part of the Summer School. A special one-day stream within the Summer School, to which abstracts/papers can be submitted directly, will be organised by the EU FP7 project ETICA on privacy and related ethical issues that arise from emerging information and communication technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Privacy and identity management (technologies, infrastructures, usability aspects, legal and social-economic aspects) * privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) * multilateral Security, anonymity and pseudonymity * transparency-enhancing tools * privacy and trust policies * privacy-aware web service composition * semantic web security and privacy * privacy and identity management in cloud computing * privacy metrics * trust management and reputation systems * assurance evaluation and control * privacy in complex emerging real-life scenarios including the use of privacy-enhancing mechanisms in various application areas that are often lifelong in character (such as eLearning, eHealth, eGovernment) * lifelong privacy challenges and sustainable privacy and identity management * privacy issues relating to social networks, social network analysis, profiling, tracking technologies, biometrics, surveillance * data retention, availability and other legal-regulatory aspects, * impact on social exclusion/digital divide/cultural aspects * privacy and identity management related open source and standardisation initiatives. We welcome: research papers from all disciplines (e.g., computer science, economics, law, psychology, sociology); inter-disciplinary work; and also contributions on application scenarios, use cases, and good practices. Contributions will be selected based on an extended abstract review by the Summer School Programme Committee. Accepted short versions of papers will be made available to all participants in the Summer School Pre-Proceedings. After the Summer School, authors will have the opportunity to submit their final full papers (which address questions and aspects raised during the Summer School) for publication in the Summer School Proceedings published by the official IFIP publisher (Springer). The papers to be included in the Final Proceedings will again be reviewed and selected by the Summer School Programme Committee. Helsingborg is located at the coast in Southern Sweden very close to Denmark and easily reachable via Copenhagen, Malmö or Gothenburg airport. The submission address for extended abstracts (2-4 pages in length) will be accessible via the Summer School Website (http://www.cs.kau.se/IFIP-summerschool/) soon. Submission deadline for extended abstracts (2-4 pages): May 2nd, 2010 Notification of acceptance: June 2nd, 2010 Short paper (up to 8 pages) for the Pre-Proceedings: July 2nd, 2010 General Chair: Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University / Sweden) Programme Committee Co-Chairs: Penny Duquenoy (Middlesex University / UK) Marit Hansen (Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel / Germany) Ronald Leenes (Tilburg University / Netherlands) Programme Committee: Bibi van der Berg (Tilburg University / Netherlands) Michele Bezzi (SAP Research / France) Jan Camenisch (IBM Research / Switzerland) Lothar Fritsch (Norwegian Computer Center, Norway) Mark Gasson (University of Reading / UK) Juana Sancho Gil (University of Barcelona / Spain) Hans Hedbom (Karlstad University / Sweden) Tom Keenan (University of Calgary / Canada) Dogan Kesdogan (Siegen University / Germany) Kai Kimppa (University of Turku / Finland) Eleni Kosta (KU Leuven / Belgium) Elisabeth de Leeuw (Ordina / Netherlands) Marc van Lieshout (TNO / Netherlands) Javier Lopez (University of Malaga / Spain) Leonardo Martucci (CASED / Germany) Vaclav Matyas (Masaryk University, Brno / Czech Republic) Gregory Neven (IBM Research / Switzerland) Jean-Christophe Pazzaglia (SAP Research / France) Uli Pinsdorf (Europäisches Microsoft Innovations Center GmbH (EMIC) / Germany) Andreas Pfitzmann (TU Dresden / Germany) Charles Raab (University of Edinburgh / UK) Kai Rannenberg (Goethe University Frankfurt / Germany) Norberto Patrignani (Catholic University of Milano / Italy) Pierangela Samarati (Milano University / Italy) Dieter Sommer (IBM Research / Switzerland) Sandra Steinbrecher (TU Dresden / Germany) Morton Swimmer (Trend Micro / USA) Jozef Vyskoc (VaF / Slovakia) Rigo Wenning (W3C / France) Diane Whitehouse (The Castlegate Consultancy / UK) Rose-Mharie Åhlfeld (Skövde University / Sweden) Programme Committee for the ETICA stream: Veikko Ikonen (VTT / Finland) Jeroen van den Hoven (Technical University of Delft / The Netherlands) Michael Rader (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / Germany) Philippe Goujon (University of Namur / Belgium) Bernd Stahl (De Montfort University / UK) Roger Dean (eema / UK) |