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Global (In)Securities 2016 : GSA 2016: Global (In)Securities


When Jun 29, 2016 - Jul 1, 2016
Where Belfast, Northern Ireland
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2016
Categories    security   globalization   multidisciplinary

Call For Papers

Keynote Speakers Marysia Zalewski (Aberdeen) and Jef Huysmans (Queen Mary)

‘Global (In-)Securities’ provides a platform to explore and discuss questions relating to the practices, technologies and experiences of securities and insecurities in a globalised world. In recognition of the complexities that pertain to the question of security and insecurity, relating to issues such as war and conflict, migration and the global economy, we want to probe multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives on global (in-)securities. While cognisant of the contribution from the field of security studies, we welcome paper and panel proposals from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and methodological perspectives.

Submissions that engage with the conference theme and address the following topics are particularly encouraged, although we invite proposals for panels and papers from all areas of Global Studies:

Theorising (in-)security
Representations of (in-)security in film and literature
Spatial and temporal dimensions of (in-)security
Technologies of (in-)security
(In-)security and transnational migration
Gender and (in-)security
Affective and embodied experiences of (in-)security
Precarity, vulnerability and (in-)security
(In-)security in the global economy
(In-)security and human rights
(In-)security and the anthropocene
Ethics, cosmopolitanism and (in-)security
Please submit your paper or panel proposal to The deadline for the submission of paper and panel proposals is 30th April 2016. Paper proposals should include a title, abstract (300 words) and institutional affiliation; panel proposals should include a panel title and description as well as the abstracts and details of panel speakers.

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