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ForMABS 2016 : Formal Methods for Analysis of Business System | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.tcs.com/about/research/newsevents/Pages/ForMABS-2016.aspx | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
After recent advances in the techniques and scalability of formal methods,
their application to business systems has become more realistic and practical, similar to their use as technology of choice for verifying reactive systems. The goal of ForMABS 2016 (http://www.tcs.com/about/research/newsevents/Pages/ForMABS-2016.aspx) is to provide a platform where people experimenting and applying formal methods to software engineering of business systems, have an opportunity to present and discuss their work with other researchers and practitioners. We welcome authors exploring or applying model checking, data-flow and control-flow analysis, symbolic execution for various purposes like verifying business applications and specifications, extracting specifications from source code, testing and other development activities, especially in the context of business systems. The workshop aims to provide authors with useful feedback about their work and facilitate networking within the community. Scope and Topics ---------------- The workshop aims to highlight application of formal methods in the software development life cycle, with focus on business systems, though not restricted to it. We welcome submissions on techniques, experiments, experience reports and tools. The broad areas of interest for ForMABS 2016 include, but are not limited to: * Interdisciplinary formal methods: New techniques and novel experiments, New tools using model checking, data-flow and control-flow analysis, symbolic execution independently or combined in novel ways * Formal methods in practice: Industrial applications, tool usage reports, experiments with challenging real-life problems As applied to following purposes, but not limited to: * Slicing and Specialization of programs * Program synthesis * Specifications of business systems * Verification of Business processes, Feature models, Business Rules * Verification of Services, Software configurations * Identification of Services, Features and Processes in source code * Extraction of Business rules * Test case and Test data generation Submission Information ---------------------- Papers should be original work, not published or submitted elsewhere, in ACM format, written in English, submitted through Easychair at the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=formabs2016 We solicit two categories of papers: 1.Detailed papers explaining a technique, solution, tool or experience report. They should be of at most 8 pages including references. The proposals must be prepared as per ASE 2016 guidelines (http://ase2016.org/authorinstructions.html). 2.Poster papers submitted in the form of 2-page overview and sample presentation slides as pdf file. Acceptance ---------- Papers will be selected based on reviews by members of the program committee. Authors of accepted papers will receive further instructions for submitting camera-ready copy of their papers. Camera-ready copies of accepted papers will be published in ACM DL. Authors of accepted papers will receive instructions for preparing their papers for presentation at the workshop. Atleast one of the authors MUST register for the workshop to present their paper. |