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ISMW FRUCT 2016 : International FRUCT conference on Intelligence, Soсial Media and Web


When Aug 28, 2016 - Sep 4, 2016
Where St. Petersburg, Russia
Submission Deadline May 30, 2016
Notification Due Jul 10, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 22, 2016
Categories    social networks   data mining   information retrieval   social media

Call For Papers

Topics of the 2016 ISMW FRUCT conference include social media and social networks, artificial intelligence, Web technologies, data mining, knowledge discovery and big data processing. The conference aims to create a platform for sharing experiences, extending contacts and searching for cooperation options. It will bring together interdisciplinary researchers to present the recent achievements in science and industry.

Forms of participation:
*Full paper (will be published in ISMW FRUCT proceedings and submitted for indexing by Web of Science and Scopus);
*Extended abstracts (will be published in ISMW FRUCT proceedings, selected papers will be recommended for VAK indexed journal)
*Students presentation-posters and Presentation of working application or prototype
*Participation in summer school

ISMW FRUCT conference invite to participate experts in the below listed domains from research institutes and universities, as well as participants from the business community that develop innovative technologies and use them in their products.

List of Conference Topics:
*Social Media and Social Networks Mining
*Social Media, Social Networks and Information Retrieval
*Social Media and Social Copying Detection
*Deception Detection and Personality Recognition
*Plagiarism, Authorship and Profiling
*Altmetrics, Social Media Metrics and Webometrics
*Data Mining for Social Networks, Multimedia and Natural Language Processing
*Social Network Data Management and Databases
*Linked Data, Semantic Web and Social Networks
*Sociology, Psychology, Marketing studies of Social Networks and Social Media
*Applications in Location Based Services, e-Tourism solutions, Modern communications *Systems and standards, Mobile Healthcare and early diagnostics, Monitoring Systems, *Recommender Systems, e-Business, etc.

Call for Papers.

We accept full papers (minimum length: 6 pages, maximum: 12 pages) and extended abstracts (minimum length: 3 pages, maximum: 4 pages). Full papers should describe original, complete and previously unpublished research; these papers will be presented at the conference as oral presentations. Full papers should be written in English. Extended abstracts describe research in progress and will be presented as oral presentations or as posters|demos. Extended abstracts written in Russian are allowed, however, English is preferred.

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted and presented full papers and extended abstracts will be published in ISMW FRUCT proceedings. Full papers will be published in IEEE Xplore (indexed by Scopus) and will be recommended for CPCI indexing (Web of Science). Selected extended abstracts of 4 pages will be recommended for publication in a VAK-indexed journal.
At least one author of the accepted paper(s) must register for the conference and present the paper.

Full Papers and Extended Abstracts submission deadline: May 30, 2016
Notification of acceptance date: July 10, 2016
Camera-ready submission deadline: July 22, 2016

Call for Posters and Demos.

This section is intended for participants who would like to present their research or application without publication.
Submissions for this section should be short (up to 3 pages with the descriptions of the research or application + poster). Demo submissions should contain screenshots or/and url of the application.
Note, that these posters and descriptions will not be published
will be announced
Twitter: @ISMW_FRUCT

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