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PMES 2016 : Post-Moore's Era Supercomputing (PMES) Workshop


When Nov 14, 2016 - Nov 14, 2016
Where Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2016
Notification Due Aug 17, 2016
Categories    high performance computing   software architecture   programming languages   computer architecture

Call For Papers

This interdisciplinary workshop is organized to explore the scientific issues, challenges, and opportunities for supercomputing beyond the scaling limits of Moore's Law, with the ultimate goal of keeping supercomputing at the forefront of computing technologies beyond the physical and conceptual limits of current systems. Continuing progress of supercomputing beyond the scaling limits of Moore's Law is likely to require a comprehensive re-thinking of technologies, ranging from innovative materials and devices, circuits, system architectures, programming systems, system software, and applications.

The workshop is designed to foster interdisciplinary dialog across the necessary spectrum of stakeholders: applications, algorithms, software, and hardware. Motivating workshop questions will include the following. "What technologies might prevail in the Post Moore's Era?" "How can applications effectively prepare for these changes through co-design?" "What architectural abstractions should be in place to represent the traditional concepts like hierarchical parallelism, multi-tier data locality, and new concepts like variable precision, approximate solutions, and resource tradeoff directives?" "What programming models might insulate applications from these changes?"

Experts from academia, government, and industry in the fields of computational science, mathematics, engineering, and computer science will have the opportunity to participate in the workshop as a presenter, panelist, or audience member. Invited speakers will provide insights and challenges from their disciplinary perspectives, while peer-reviewed position papers on promising ideas will be presented to facilitate community interaction and diversity. Panel sessions will provide opportunities for interactions across disciplines and provocative questions from the audience.

Workshop URL:
Submission URL (EasyChair):
Submission questions:

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