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HICSS Cyber-of-Things 2017 : Cyber-of-Things: Cyber-Crimes and Cyber-Security Mini-track at HICSS


When Jan 4, 2017 - Jan 7, 2017
Where Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2016
Notification Due Aug 16, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2016
Categories    cyber-of-things   cyber-crimes   cyber-security   digital forensics

Call For Papers

As technology is incorporated into more aspects of daily life, cyber-crimes and cyber-security evolve and diversify. This results in the need to develop innovative managerial, technological and strategic solutions. Increasing mobile device sales; increasing digital evidence requests in legal environments; increasing generation and storage of digital transactions through the integration of the ‘Internet of Things’; and the development of cyber-physical attacks, all highlight the broad societal impacts of technology that encourage data intensive environments.

A variety of responses are needed to address the resulting concerns. There is a need to research a) technology investigation efficiency, b) technical integration and solution impact, c) the abuse of technology through cyber-physical attacks along with d) the cost effective analysis and evaluation of large data repositories. Hence, identifying and validating technical solutions to access data from new technologies, investigating the impact that these solutions have on industry, and understanding how technologies can be abused from a cyber-physical perspective is crucial to the viability of government, commercial, and legal communities.

The mini-track will solicit submissions in the following areas:
· Research agendas that investigate vulnerabilities and solutions to devices that belong to the ‘Cyber-of-Things’ (e.g. Cyber Physical Systems, and Internet of Things).
· Research agendas that identify cyber-crimes, digital forensics issues, security vulnerabilities, solutions and approaches to solving investigation problems.
· Research agendas that investigate cost effective retrieval, analysis and evaluation of large data repositories.
· Papers that combine research and applied practice.

This mini-track provides a forum for integrating relevant, vital academic security research activity with the broader international community.

The best papers will be invited to submit extended work to a special issue in Computers & Security.

Only papers describing previously unpublished, original, state-of-the-art research, and not currently under review by a conference or a journal will be considered. Extended work must have a significant (over 50%) new and original content.

Mini-track Co-Chairs:

William Glisson (Primary Contact)
University of South Alabama

Raymond Choo
University of South Australia

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