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MWDHealth 2016 : The International Workshop on Mining Wearable Data for Healthcare


When Oct 4, 2016 - Oct 4, 2016
Where Chicago
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2016
Notification Due Jul 15, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 29, 2016
Categories    data mining   machine learning   healthcare   sensors

Call For Papers

MWDHealth 2016
International Workshop on Mining Wearable Data for HealthCare
in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2016)
Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 4 – 7, 2016


Call for Papers:
Wearable digital self-tracking technology has become more accessible to the public in recent years with the development of connected portable devices (such as smart phones, smart watches, smart bands, and other personal physiological monitoring devices), human biosensors, as well as information management systems designed for monitoring, storing and analyzing human self-tracking data. The proliferation of such technology has made it much easier than any time before to collect physiological and biomarker signals, such as the electrocardiogram (ECG), oxygen saturation (SpQ2), heart rate (HR), the electroencephalogram (EEG), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), blood pressure/oxygen level, body temperature, etc. These self-tracking data can help us better understand each individual’s health conditions by monitoring and analyzing such data. As a result, mining wearable data has been gaining significant attention from both industry and academia in recent years.
This workshop focuses on technologies for generating, archiving, and analyzing self-monitored data for health-related applications. The objectives of the workshop include (1) to bring together researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia who are actively working in wearable technology for healthcare to present their latest research, (2) to attract healthcare sensor developers and healthcare service providers to discuss the challenges and opportunities in developing and adopting cutting-edge healthcare wearable products and services, (3) to create a community of researchers and practitioners who work in the areas of hardware sensors, wearable/healthcare related industry, and data mining/machine learning, that will enable the innovation for next generation healthcare solution, and (4) to present a platform for researchers and practitioners to report/demonstrate/discuss recent innovations and developments.

We welcome submissions and participations from individuals working on following topics (but are not limited to):
• Accessing, Sharing, and Analyzing data from wearables
- New systems or technologies for addressing challenges associated with every aspect of mining wearable data, such as data processing, accessing, sharing, and analysis.
- Wearable data security and privacy protection.
- Applications of wearable technologies for healthcare purposes, such as sleep monitoring, fitness exercise, mental health, etc.
- New data mining and machine learning algorithms to analyze wearable data for healthcare related topics.
- Determining optimal means of using primary, secondary and correlative data for “continuity” of individual healthcare data.
-Visual analytics and development of UI/UX technologies for wearables.
• Wearable hardware sensor technologies for healthcare
- Cutting-edge biosensors to capture healthcare related signals, such as sweat-based sensors, alcohol sensors, blood related sensors, mood biosensors, etc.
- Signal acquisition, archiving, processing for biosensors.
- Applications of biosensors to solve healthcare related challenges.
• New healthcare services with wearable devices (smart phones, smart watches, smart band, personal biometrics monitoring, etc.), such as:
- Healthcare management system (app, web platform, etc) to manage data generated from wearable devices or sensors.
- Systems or products that utilize wearable data to understand each individual for better healthcare purposes.
- Services that provide a better healthcare solution by jointly considering wearable data from multiple sources.


Submission and Review Process:
• Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work. We will accept following three types of papers:
- Full research papers, up to 8 pages including references
- Short research papers, up to 4 pages including references
- Position papers, 2 pages in length presenting work in progress, or late-breaking results
• All types of paper should be in the format of IEEE Proceedings. Templates are available at
• Papers should be submitted at
• To contact MWDHealth’2016 organizers, please email to


Important Dates:
• Submission date for papers: June 21st, 2016
• Author notification: July 8th, 2016
• Submission of camera-ready papers: July 29th, 2016
• Workshop day: October 4th, 2016


Workshop Chairs:
• Lei Liu, HP Labs, USA
• Pang-Ning Tan, Michigan State University, USA
• Steven J. Simske, HP Labs, USA
• Mi Zhang, Michigan State University, USA


Program Committee:

Zubin Abraham (Bosch Research, USA)
Noel Carroll (Applied Research for Connected Health Technology Center, Ireland)
Paul Ellingstad (PTI Advisors, USA)
Huiji Gao (LinkedIn, USA)
Hassan Ghasemzadeh (Washington State University, USA)
Zitao Liu (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Xi Liu (Michigan State University, USA)
Joanne O'Doherty (HP Enterprise, USA)
Jiliang Tang (Yahoo Labs, USA)
Edison Thomaz (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
May D. Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Xufei Wang (LinkedIn, USA)
Jinfeng Yi (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
De-Chuan Zhan (Nanjing University, China)

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