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WS-REST 2011 : 2nd International Workshop on RESTful Design


Conference Series : International Workshop on RESTful Design
When Mar 28, 2011 - Mar 28, 2011
Where Hyderabad, India
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2011
Notification Due Feb 25, 2011

Call For Papers

WS-REST 2011
2nd International Workshop on RESTful Design

Extended Paper Submission Deadline: 10 February 2011

Call for Papers

The Second International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2011) aims to provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of research on the emerging resource-oriented style of Web service design.

Over the past few years, several discussions between advocates of the two major architectural styles for designing and implementing Web services (the RPC/ESB-oriented approach and the resource-oriented approach) have been mainly held outside of the research and academic community, within dedicated mailing lists, forums and practitioner communities. The RESTful approach to Web services has also received a significant amount of attention from industry as indicated by the numerous technical books being published on the topic.

This second edition of WS-REST, co-located with the WWW2011 conference, aims at providing an academic forum for discussing current emerging research topics centered around the application of REST, as well as advanced application scenarios for building large scale distributed systems.

In addition to presentations on novel applications of RESTful Web services technologies, the workshop program will also include discussions on the limits of the applicability of the REST architectural style, as well as recent advances in research that aim at tackling new problems that may require to extend the basic REST architectural style. The organizers are seeking novel and original, high quality paper submissions on research contributions focusing on the following topics:

* Applications of the REST architectural style to novel domains
* Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns for RESTful services
* RESTful service composition
* Inverted REST (REST for push events)
* Integration of Pub/Sub with REST
* Performance and QoS Evaluations of RESTful services
* REST compliant transaction models
* Mashups
* Frameworks and toolkits for RESTful service implementations
* Frameworks and toolkits for RESTful service consumption
* Modeling RESTful services
* Resource Design and Granularity
* Evolution of RESTful services
* Versioning and Extension of REST APIs
* HTTP extensions and replacements
* REST compliant protocols beyond HTTP
* Multi-Protocol REST (REST architectures across protocols)

All workshop papers are peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published as part of the ACM Digital Library. Two kinds of contributions are sought: short position papers (not to exceed 4 pages in ACM style format) describing particular challenges or experiences relevant to the scope of the workshop, and full research papers (not to exceed 8 pages in the ACM style format) describing novel solutions to relevant problems. Technology demonstrations are particularly welcome, and we encourage authors to focus on "lessons learned" rather than describing an implementation.

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format. Templates are available here

Easychair page:

Important Dates

* Paper submission: 10 February 2011, 23.59 local time in San Francisco, CA (EXTENDED)
* Notifications: 25 February 2011
* Camera Ready Submission: 12 March 2011
* WS-REST 2011 Workshop: 28 March 2011

Program Committee Chairs

* Cesare Pautasso, Faculty of Informatics, USI Lugano, Switzerland
* Erik Wilde, School of Information, UC Berkeley, USA
* Rosa Alarcon, Computer Science Department, Pontificia Universidad de Chile, Chile

Program Committee

* Jan Algermissen, Nord Software Consulting, Germany
* Subbu Allamaraju, Yahoo Inc., USA
* Mike Amundsen, USA
* Benjamin Carlyle, Australia
* Stuart Charlton, Canada
* Duncan Cragg, ThoughtWorks, UK
* Joe Gregorio, Google, USA
* Michael Hausenblas, DERI, Ireland
* Ralph Johnson, University of Illinois, USA
* Rohit Khare, 4K Associates, USA
* Yves Lafon, W3C, USA
* Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Alexandros Marinos, University of Surrey, UK
* Ian Robinson, Thoughtworks, UK
* Stefan Tilkov, innoQ, Germany
* Steve Vinoski, Verivue, USA
* Tomas Vitvar, ProgrammableWeb
* Jim Webber, NEO4J
* Olaf Zimmermann, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland


* WS-REST Web site:
* WS-REST Twitter:
* WS-REST Email:

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