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AICS 2022 : 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science


When Jun 24, 2022 - Jun 26, 2022
Where Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence and ap   data science and technology   computer application   pattern recognition and machin

Call For Papers

Publication Guidelines
√ All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by at least 2 review experts, and the review reports will be returned to authors.
√ All papers accepted by AICS2022 will be published by Springer and will be submitted for indexing by EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec etc.
√ Excellent papers will be selected and recommended to SCI or EI journals for publication after conference.
√ Some excellent papers would be selected and recommended to EI or SCI journals.

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence and Application
Topic 2: Data Science and Technology
Topic 3: Computer Application
Topic 4: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Topic 5: Network Communication and Security

Paper submission Email: (please title the email as "submission + contact number")
Paper submission Online:

Connect with us
Email address:
Phone number: (+86) 13476173612
WeChat: 13476173612

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