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ISEC 2018 : 11th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference


Conference Series : India Software Engineering Conference
When Feb 9, 2018 - Feb 11, 2018
Where Hyderabad, India
Submission Deadline Oct 8, 2017
Notification Due Nov 25, 2017
Final Version Due Dec 15, 2017
Categories    software engineering   software architecture   model-driven development   education

Call For Papers

11th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2018)
09 February 2018 - 11 February 2018
Hyderabad, India

Research Track

We invite technical papers describing original and unpublished results of foundational, theoretical, empirical, and applied software and systems engineering research. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share problems, experiences, and cutting-edge advancements in the field of software and systems engineering. Submissions are invited in all areas of software and systems engineering, including but not limited to the following:

+ Software Engineering Processes and Methodologies (including topics related to)
    - Agile Methods
    - Business Process Design and Deployment
    - Requirements Engineering
    - Empirical Software Engineering
    - Safety-Critical Software
    - Program Specification and Modeling Languages
    - Software Testing
    - Engineering for Quality Requirements
    - Human Factors
    - Mobile and Web Applications
    - Model Driven Development
    - Software Evolution and Maintenance
    - Mining Software Repositories
    - Software Product Lines
    - Software Economics and Metrics
    - Self-Adaptive Systems
    - Security and Privacy
    - Software Analytics
    - System Modeling and Simulation
    - Program Comprehension and Visualization
    - Traceability
+ Software Deployment and Operations (including topics related to)
    - DevOps
    - Container based Software Artifacts
    - Dynamic Discovery and Version Management
    - Handling Container Image Sprawl
    - Green/Sustainable Data-Center Management
    - Fault Isolation and Repair in Large Enterprises
+ Software for the Cloud (including topics related to)
    - Security
    - Data Obfuscation
    - Application Driven Resource Allocation
    - Cross Cloud Deployment
    - Performance Engineering for Cloud Apps
+ Other Topics
    - System Verification and Validation
    - Support for Service Metering and Billing
    - Platform for Services

# Submission Details for the Research Track

Submissions should contain original research and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. This year, we invite research papers submissions under two categories: Regular papers and Short papers.

* Regular papers should not exceed 11 pages, 10 pages for the main text (including figures, appendix etc.) and 1 page for references in standard ACM format.
* Short papers should not exceed 5 pages, incl. references in standard ACM format.

Regular paper submissions are expected to contain in-depth descriptions of the new ideas along with detailed evaluation. Short papers may contain, for example, new interesting ideas which may not be evaluated extensively, tool descriptions or case studies. Please note that the papers will be accepted or rejected in the category in which they were submitted; there will be no "demotions" from a Regular to a Short paper.

Industry Track

The objective of the ISEC Industry Track program is to establish an efficient dialogue between software engineering researchers and practitioners involved in the betterment of all aspects of software engineering including methods, processes, tools, and people. Of particular interest are innovations in applying advancement in software engineering practices across software lifecycle phases, industry verticals, and software types. The Industry track aims to bring together industrial and research professionals of software engineering, who are eager to share and brainstorm novel ideas and advancements of common interest. This half day session will be composed of invited speeches, paper presentations and discussions.

We are seeking following types of submissions:

+ Papers (Experience Based Reports and Case Study): each paper should address the application of software engineering practices (which may include work on principles, techniques, tools, methods, processes) to a specific business domain or to the development of a substantial software platform/system. Each paper should describe the context of a problem of practical importance and provide plausible solutions. The innovativeness of the solution, the methodology and overall assessment of benefits, risks and other lessons learned need to be addressed. We invite both short papers (limited to 4 pages) and full papers (minimum 7 to maximum 10 pages).
+ Posters: Poster submissions should describe recently completed work, highly relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications. Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with the conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. Posters do not need to show final research results in detail. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome.
+ Talk Proposals: This type of submission is only open to practitioners. We solicit talks on topics that are relevant and of interest to both industrial and academic attendees. Examples of talks include, but are not limited to: software development in start-ups, post mortem of software projects, forgotten research topics that are still relevant to industry, new challenges in software engineering because of growth of technologies such as “Cloud Computing”, “Internet of Things”, “Machine Learning”, “Big Data” etc. that need help from research.

#Submission Details for the Industry Track

Submissions must adhere to the ISEC 2018 submission and formatting instructions. At least one author on the submissions needs to be from industry.

+ Papers: Paper submissions must be original (not published or under review elsewhere), include the title of the submission, the name and affiliation of each author, and up to 150-words abstract. These papers should not exceed 4 pages (for short papers) and 7-10 pages for a full paper (including figures, appendix etc. and 1 page for references) in standard ACM format.
+ Posters: The submission must be in the form of a two-page short paper describing problem(s), proposed approach(es) to solve the problem(s) and results, if any. Authors of accepted posters need to prepare posters for displaying at the conference. Final posters should be in portrait format with approximately A0 size dimensions.
+ Talk Proposals: Talk proposals will be reviewed in two phases. For the first phase, the proposal should include a title, "talk description", which describes what the talk will be about, highlighting its key points and the reasons why it is interesting to ISEC attendees (500 words). Submissions should include a speaker biography and history, and can include supporting materials such as white papers or videos. Each accepted talk will be offered one page for an "Extended Abstract" in the ISEC proceedings.

Submission site

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