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SmartcityInfra 2016 : Workshop on Smart City Infrastructure and Applications


When Nov 6, 2016 - Nov 9, 2016
Where Sydney
Submission Deadline Jun 24, 2016
Notification Due Jul 24, 2016
Final Version Due Aug 24, 2016
Categories    smart cities   ICT   infrastructures   IOT

Call For Papers

Numerous attempts are made to solve these problems, especially reducing carbon-dioxide emission or promoting renewable energy is the primary topic. Nowadays, smart grid, smart community, smart city, and other new approaches have been proposed as practical solutions of these attempts, which is not limited to the energy or emission problem. Smart city is an area-limited integrated implementation of smart infrastructures, such as smart grid, smart transportation, smart medical services, smart water, and smart government. These smart infrastructures use information and communication technology (ICT) to be a "smart" infrastructure for improving its functions and economic efficiency. Namely, smart city requires interdisciplinary alliances, and among them, ICT shows a big potential for the solutions. Smart city grows as an aggregation of the solutions by integrating concerning infrastructures and ICT. It works as the platform for supporting the desired urbanization.

From the viewpoint of ICT, Smart city generates massive data. The data is transmitted to service providers, and the service providers compute the data for changing to smart city services. In this computation, the unified format or description of data and computing processes is indispensable for the penetration of smart city services. Namely, an application-oriented common platform of smart city is really required. The needs of this platform are universal. Internet of Things (IoT) as the fusion of sensors and applications by using the sensed data needs standards to integrate distributed huge variety of things with sensors. Cloud systems, providing smart city services using the data, should introduce the standards for handling the broad variety of data. These key technologies will be concentrated in a smart city platform.

This workshop aims to promote a discussion of the newest trends for providing a ground-breaking initiative by gathering experts and exchanging valuable experience or knowledge in smart infrastructures and concerning technologies, such as data engineering, all aspects of prediction, design, operation and validation of concerning systems.

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