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SATE 2017 : 2017 Annual Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution


When Nov 3, 2017 - Nov 4, 2017
Where Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
Submission Deadline Jul 7, 2017
Notification Due Aug 20, 2017
Final Version Due Aug 30, 2017
Categories    software testing   software analysis   debugging   software evolution

Call For Papers


2017 Annual Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution
November 3-4, 2017, Harbin, Heilongjiang

The Annual Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution (SATE) is organized by Technical Committee of Software Engineering (TCSE), Technical Committee of System Software (TCSS), and Technical Committee of Information System (TCIS) of China Computer Federation (CCF) with the focus on Software Analysis, Software Testing and Evolution. This conference aims at providing a premier forum for software engineering researchers, professional software analysts, testers and developers to present research findings, share practical experience and exchange academic ideas.

SATE 2017 will be co-located with the National Software Application Conference (NASAC 2017) and held in Harbin, Heilongjiang from November 3rd to 4th, 2017. We invite academic researchers and industrial practitioners from software engineering and other related areas to exchange ideas about research and practical issues related to software analysis, testing and evolution, including theoretical research, empirical study, new technology, case study and industrial practice.

SATE 2017 solicits both Chinese and English papers on research and practical issues about software analysis, testing and evolution. Accepted Chinese papers will be recommended to reputable Chinese journals for publishing. Accepted English papers will be published by IEEE CPS (Conference Publishing Services) and some selected papers will be recommended to reputable international journals (SCI indexed).

SATE 2017 will also include some special sessions, including keynote talks, top conference paper presentation, and panel discussion.

1. Topics of Interest include but not limited to:
Theoretical Foundation of Software Analysis and Testing
Software Evolution Oriented Analysis and Testing
Source Code and Object Code Analysis Technology
Static and Dynamic Software Analysis
Software Fault Localization and Fixing
Evolution of Test Cases
Model and Specification Based Testing
Domain Specific Analysis and Testing
New Software Form Oriented Analysis and Testing
Software Measurement and Application
Internet-Based Testing
Testing for Big Data Applications
Testing for Mobile Applications
Software Analysis and Testing Tools
Software Design Quality and Refactoring
Code Clone Analysis and Management
Mining Software Repository
Software Evolution Data Analysis and Visualization
Software Runtime Monitoring and Dynamic Evolution
Case Studies and Industrial Practice

2. Requirements:
1) The paper has not been published or accepted or under review by other journals or conferences.
2) Chinese papers should include Chinese and English abstracts, keywords, funding and references, authors, organization, detailed address (including Email address) and author introduction. The papers should be less than 8000 words in PDF format referring to Chinese Journal of Computer Science:
3) English papers please refer to IEEE CPS conference template. The submissions should be in PDF format and the length of a paper is limited to 10 pages, including references and appendix.
4) Submission:
5) Accepted Chinese papers will be recommended to Chinese Journal of Computer Science or Chinese Journal of Computer and Digital Engineering for publication.
6) Authors of selected English papers will be invited to submit an extended version to IEEE Transactions on Reliability (T-Rel), Science China-Information Science (SCIS), or International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE). Note that such an invitation does not imply acceptance of the paper. All the submissions will be evaluated following the guidelines set by T-Rel, SCIS and IJSEKE. Only those satisfying all the criteria will be accepted for publication.

3. Important Dates:
1) Submission Deadline: July 7, 2017
2) Notification of Acceptance: August 20, 2017
3) Submission of Camera-Ready Form: August 30, 2017
4) Conference: November 3-4, 2017

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