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MPP 2016 : 5th Workshop on Parallel Programming Models - Special Edition on Task Parallelism


When Oct 26, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016
Where Marina Del Rey Marriott, Los Angeles, US
Submission Deadline Aug 21, 2016
Notification Due Sep 4, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 11, 2016
Categories    high performance computing   parallel programming   computer architecture   computer science

Call For Papers

MPP 2016 - 5th Workshop on Parallel Programming Models
Special Edition on Task Parallelism
Marina Del Rey Marriott, Los Angeles, USA - October 26-28, 2016

The increase in the number of processor cores has opened up new opportunities to take advantage of the parallelism available in modern data-centric applications and workloads. On the other hand, parallelising programs is still an error-prone and challenging task for the typical programmer.

Novel programming/execution models, which ease the job of the programmer while expose the hardware resources to the compiler/runtime/OS stack, are key to unleash the parallelism potential of future applications. In recent years task-based programming models (e.g. OpenMP and OpenSs) have shown to be a scalable and flexible approach to extract task parallelism from applications.

MPP 2016 brings together researchers and practitioners interested in developing novel computational models for parallel programming and architectures. Given the growing interest in task parallelism programming and execution models, MPP 2016 dedicated this edition to such programming model. Nevertheless, authors are also encouraged to submit original works that include but are not limited to:
Novel Execution models and languages for parallelism exploitation;
Languages, compilers and parallelism extraction tools;
Heterogeneous programming models;
Scheduling and Placement Algorithms for Parallel Programming models;
Novel Parallel Programming Techniques;
Novel Parallel Architectures;
Error Detection/Recovery for Parallel Programming Models;
Theoretical Analysis of Parallelism.

MPP 2016 will be held in conjunction with the 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2016), at Marina del Rey Marriott, Los Angeles, USA.

Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: August 14, 2016
Author notification: September 4, 2016
Camera ready: September 11, 2016

Paper Submission
Papers submitted to MPP 2016 must be in IEEE format (Author Guidelines for 8.5 x 11-inch Proceedings Manuscripts). Papers may have up to 6 pages (including references) and must be written in English.

Submission must be done electronically and following deadlines informed at Important Dates.

Program co-chairs
Leandro Augusto Justen Marzulo - UERJ, Brazil
Felipe M. G. França - UFRJ, Brazil
Guido Araújo - UNICAMP, Brazil
Andrew Putnam - Microsoft, USA

Program Committee
Alexandre da Costa Sena - UERJ, Brazil
Alexandre Solon Nery - UERJ, Brazil
Aline de Paula Nascimento - UFF, Brazil
Bora Uçar - ENS-LYON, France
Cristiana Bentes - UERJ, Brazil
Diego Dutra - UFRJ, Brazil
Edson Borin - UNICAMP, Brazil
Elias Mizan - Synaptics, USA
Gabriel Paillard - UFC, Brazil
Hung Wei Tseng – Univ of California San Diego, USA
Igor Machado Coelho - UERJ, Brazil
Inês Dutra - Univ do Porto, Portugal
Jairo Panetta - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Juliana Mendes - UFRRJ, Brazil
Marcelo Zamith - UFRRJ, Brazil
Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro - UERJ, Brazil
Maurício Pilla - UFPEL, Brazil
Michael Frank - LG Electronics, USA
Philippe O. A. Navaux - UFRGS, Brazil
Ricardo Farias - UFRJ, Brazil
Richard Bagley - LG Electronics, USA
Roberto Souto - LNCC, Brazil
Rodolfo Azevedo - UNICAMP, Brazil
Sandip Kundu - UMASS, USA
Tamer Dallou - LG Electronics, Germany
Tiago A. O. Alves – UERJ, Brazil
Vitor Santos Costa - Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Zehra Sura - IBM, USA

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