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Computing4Human 2020 : The 1st International Workshop on Computational Humanities and Social Sciences


When Feb 15, 2020 - Feb 15, 2020
Where Pohang, Rep. of Korea
Submission Deadline Jan 10, 2020
Notification Due Jan 31, 2020
Final Version Due Feb 8, 2020
Categories    digital humanities   computational humanities   computational social sciences

Call For Papers

With the rapid development of artificial intelligent (AI) techniques and the advent of IoT (Internet-of-Things) era, research subjects of humanities and social science have been becoming computational. For example, various studies have been conducted for computationally analyzing literature works, public opinions for political events, etc. Also, the influence of the spread of AI technology is getting an important research issue on humanities and social science. Due to smart applications surrounding us, the way how our everyday life will change stimulates our interests and imagination. Both two approaches start from respective research areas and attempt to explore opponent areas, maintaining their own perspectives. As preliminary studies, these studies have not had formalized research methodologies or well-established concepts/terminologies. This point makes interdisciplinary studies look fuzzy and ambiguous.

However, at least, it is clear that these studies have been exploring terra incognita. Every attempt that they have conducted (even, insignificant failures) might be valuable for pioneering new research areas. From those trials, studies that originated from computer science can be closer to humanized computing and human-like artificial intelligence. Also, scholars on humanities and social science will obtain understandings and insights for where AI technology is and where it has to go.

This workshop aims to discuss novel research directions and contributions belonging to intersections between the two research communities. Thereby, we attempt to gather various opinions from different research areas, including computer science, computational linguistics, digital humanities, political science, economy, etc. At the beginning of this workshop series, we collect papers on interdisciplinary studies between computer science and humanities/social sciences, without any limitation.


We invite the following two kinds of papers:
- Research papers (Maximum 7 pages excluding references)
- Position papers and demos (Maximum 5 pages excluding references)
All manuscripts have to be formatted according to the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) template. Also, manuscripts must be submitted in PDF files through the following e-mail address.

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