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Special Issue in AROSA @ IEEE WETICE 2016 : Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-oriented and component-based Applications and Architectures | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://arosa2016.redcad.org | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for papers : AROSA 2016
6th Track on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-oriented and component-based Applications and Architectures http://arosa2016.redcad.org/ Conference Track @ the 25th WETICE Conference (http://wetice2016.lip6.fr) June, 13th-16th, 2016 Paris, France Best selected papers will be published in Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering journal as a Special Issue. Special Issue on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Distributed Systems * Impact Factor: 0.817 * 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.965 * SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.711 ********************** IMPORTANT DATES: Paper Submission: February 15, 2016 Decision Notification: March 28, 2016 Camera-Ready Submission : April 11, 2016 ********************** The goal of this track is to bring together researchers and practitioners both from the Academia and from the Industry working in the areas of Service-oriented and component-based software applications and architectures and addressing adaptation and reconfiguration issues. Different investigation topics are involved, such as: CBSE, SOA, Functional and Non Functional (NF) requirements (QoS, performance, resilience), monitoring, diagnosis, decision and execution of adaptation and reconfiguration. Different research axes are covered: concepts, methods, techniques, and tools to design, develop, deploy and manage adaptive and reconfigurable software systems. The development of composite services poses very interesting challenges concerning their functional and NF requirements. On the one hand, a composite software system depends on the NF requirements of its constituting components in order to provide a satisfactory service to the user. On the other hand, the main issues for the fulfillment of QoS and service level agreements (SLA) are concerned with performance variability. Indeed, the QoS may evolve frequently, either because of internal changes or because of workload fluctuations. The performance and the robustness of the composite software system may be significantly improved by monitoring the execution of the components and by flexibly reacting to degradation and anomalies in a timely fashion. The concept of adaptive and reconfigurable software systems has been introduced in order to describe architectures which exhibit such properties. An adaptive and reconfigurable software system can repair itself if any execution problems occur, in order to successfully complete its own execution, while respecting functional and NF agreements. In the design of an adaptive and reconfigurable software system, several aspects have to be considered. For instance, the system should be able to predict or to detect degradations and failures as soon as possible and to enact suitable recovery actions. Moreover, different NF requirements service levels might be considered in order to complete the execution in case of failure. TOPICS For this track, contributions are devoted to functional and non functional adaptability and reconfiguration management in service-oriented and component-based software systems. Specifically, the relevant topics include, but are not limited to: - Distributed and centralized collaborative solutions for the diagnosis and repair of software systems - Design for the diagnosability and repairability - Collaborative Management of NF requirements (quality, security, robustness, availability) - Monitoring simple and composite architectures, components and services - Semantic (or analytic) architectural and behavioral models for monitoring of software systems - Dynamic reconfiguration of CB and SO architectures - Collaborative planning and decision making - Collaborative technologies for ensuring autonomic properties - Predictive management of adaptability. - Collaborative Management of autonomic properties - Experiences in practical adaptive and reconfigurable CB and SO applications - Tools and prototypes for managing adaptability of CB and SO applications PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit full papers (6 pages) double column including figures, tables, and references in standard IEEE CS format (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). Authors must upload their paper as PDF file using EasyChair : https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wetice2016 If any problem arises when submitting your paper, please contact: bouassida@laas.fr. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers for ensuring high quality. TRACK CHAIRS Khalil Drira, LAAS-CNRS and Université de Toulouse, France Mohamed Jmaiel, ReDCAD, University of Sfax, Tunisia Slim Kallel, ReDCAD, University of Sfax, Tunisia Ismael Bouassida Rodriguez , LAAS-CNRS and Université de Toulouse, France |