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Ambigua 2018 : Hate against other genders: creating a criminological imaginary


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Categories    gender studies   cultural studies   legal studies   translation studies

Call For Papers

Hate against other genders: creating a criminological imaginary
Ambigua, Revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales
Volume 5

Guest editors:
Juan Jiménez-Salcedo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Esther Monzó-Nebot (Universitat Jaume I)

Not all crimes are created equal. Some are immediately recognized as the incarnation of evil, as what should not be done, and not just for fear of being sent to prison, but because they are not morally acceptable alternatives. This would be the case with murder or torture. Other crimes, however, trigger lighter moral judgments, but they are discouraged all the same because society and, especially, the court and police systems would react against them and prosecute their authors. Both groups of crimes are well defined in the criminological imaginary and, when they are committed, they are visible. There are also invisible crimes. They happen beyond the limits of perception: they are overlooked by society and they escape interpretation or action. If they become an issue for, say, state financing or if they cause ethical and social problems as a result of an accumulation of similar crimes, awareness-raising campaigns are launched and celebrities are even prosecuted to create an alarm. Crimes against less pragmatic goals, such as human rights or the rights of vulnerable groups, do not usually get as many resources and become visible through alternative routes.

Volume 5 of Ambigua, Revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales wants to explore what alternative routes are available to make those crimes visible. More specifically, this volume will focus on how these routes help to ensure that attacking the dignity and integrity of genders other than the male cisgender are rejected by the community, condemned and repudiated by the sociocultural system and, finally, legally prosecuted.

Interested researchers are invited to present papers, in English, Spanish, Catalan or French, on these topics, including but not limited to the following issues:

Cultural manifestations of the rejection of hate against other genders
Gender-based assaults as hate crimes as enshrined in legislation, precedents and case law
Gender-based hate, the limits of freedom of expression and the thresholds of symbolic violence
The role of translation and intercultural communication in the criminalization of hate against other genders
The criminalization of gender-based hate in symbolic interactions
The conceptualization of the limits of genders in legal norms
The demarcation and pathologization of genders in national and international medical standards
The creation of an imaginary for medical intervention as a form of violence in cases of intersexuality and transgender
Changes in the criminological imaginary of gender-based crimes against the elderly
Ways to educate future generations to embrace gender diversity
Characterization of genders in police and judicial work
The political exploitation of gender-based hate
Paper proposals should fall under the areas covered by this volume, mainly law, linguistics, sociology, translation and interpreting studies, education, gender studies, queer studies and the history of medicine. Papers from any other areas which are formulated within the paradigm of cultural studies will also be considered.

Those interested in the topics of this volume or in any other aspect framed within gender studies and cultural studies may send full articles to the editorial team by July 1, 2018. Papers should comply with the rules for authors, be sent through the online submission system and follow the template available on the magazine platform:

Ambigua, Revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales is a publication committed to respecting the quality parameters of scientific journals. The procedures for article review follow the internationally established double-blind evaluation processes. The journal’s committee is composed of specialists with proven expertise in the areas of the journal and the members of the international scientific committee are researchers that have made outstanding contributions to the fields of gender studies and cultural studies.

Ambigua, Revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales is hosted at the portal of scientific journals of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (, which uses the open-source Open Journal System The Public Knowledge Project finances and distributes this management software for free under the GNU General Public License.

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