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EWRL 2016 : The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning


Conference Series : European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
When Dec 3, 2016 - Dec 4, 2016
Where Barcelona, Spain
Submission Deadline Sep 16, 2016
Notification Due Oct 7, 2016
Final Version Due Nov 11, 2016
Categories    reinforcement learning   machine learning   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2016)
Dates: December 3-4 2016
Location: Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain (co-located with NIPS)

1. Paper Submission

We invite submissions for the 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement
Learning (EWRL 2016) from the entire reinforcement learning spectrum.
Authors can submit a 2-6 pages paper in JMLR format (excluding
references) that will be reviewed by the program committee in a
double-blind procedure. The papers can present new work or give a
summary of recent work of the author(s). All papers will be considered
for the poster sessions. Outstanding long papers (4-6 pages) will also
be considered for a 20 minutes oral presentation. Accepted papers are
going to be published in an collection.

Submission deadline: 16/09/2016
Page limit: 2-6 pages excluding references.
Paper format: JMLR format, anonymous.
Submission website:

2. Description

The 13th European workshop on reinforcement learning (EWRL 2016)
invites reinforcement-learning researchers to participate in the
newest edition of this world class event. We plan to make this an
exciting meeting for researchers worldwide, not only for the
presentation of top quality papers, but also as a forum for ample
discussion of open problems and future research directions. EWRL 2016
will consist of 11+ invited talks, contributed paper presentations,
discussion sessions spread over a two day period, and a poster

Reinforcement learning is an active field of research which deals with
the problem of sequential decision making in unknown (and often)
stochastic and/or partially observable environments. Recently there
has been a wealth of both impressive empirical results, as well as
significant theoretical advances. Both types of advances are of
significant importance and we would like to create a forum to discuss
such interesting results.

The workshop will cover a range of sub-topics including (but not limited to):

- Exploration/Exploitation and multi-armed bandits
- Deep RL
- Representation learning for RL
- Large-scale RL
- Theoretical aspects of RL
- Policy search and actor-critic methods
- Online learning algorithms
- RL in non-stationary environments
- Risk-sensitive RL
- Transfer and Multi-task RL
- Empirical evaluations in RL
- Kernel methods for RL
- RL in partially observable environments
- Imitation learning and Inverse RL
- Bayesian RL
- Multi agent RL
- Applications of RL
- Open problems

3. Organizing Committee

Gergely Neu
Vicenç Gómez
Csaba Szepesvári

For more information, see

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