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HealthTech 2014 : 2014 USENIX Summit on Health Information Technologies


When Aug 19, 2014 - Aug 19, 2014
Where San Diego, CA
Submission Deadline May 9, 2014
Categories    healthcare   information technology

Call For Papers

Advances in healthcare technology show great potential to improve the delivery and stem the rising costs of healthcare. However, the rapid development and hasty adoption of new technologies, combined with a complicated regulatory environment, has resulted in a landscape replete with interoperability, safety, and security problems.

HealthTech, formerly HealthSec, is now in its second year with a broader scope designed to encourage the development of new technologies that generally improve the quality and safety of healthcare as well as the access to it. By bringing together researchers, practitioners, and industrial partners, HealthTech aims to provide a forum for cross-disciplinary interactions among the technology, medicine, and policy communities.

This year, we are continuing the event's evolution by changing the format from a workshop with refereed papers to a summit with invited speakers, breakout discussion groups, expert panels, and a keynote address. The HealthTech '14 Program Committee invites proposals for presentation abstracts and panel proposals of no longer than 2 pages. We welcome preliminary work that shows potential to stimulate or catalyze further research and explores new directions—surprising results and thought-provoking ideas will be strongly favored. There will be no proceedings.

Lastly, we will have a lively rump session for announcements of research in progress.

Workshop topics are solicited in all areas relating to healthcare information technology, including:

* Access control and consent management systems
* Techniques for analyzing and securing audit logs
* Architectures for large-scale health information systems, interoperability, and health information exchange
* Medical devices and body area networks
* Home and assisted-living monitoring systems
* Threat models: formal descriptions and analysis
* Privacy-enhancing technologies such as de-identification and differential privacy for electronic health records generally or specific types of data such as images or genomic data
* Usability and human factors
* Regulatory and policy issues
* Authentication and identification techniques
* Cryptographic protocols
* Dependable and trustworthy computing for healthcare
* Telemedicine and mobile health technologies
* Practical applications and experiences with HIT; lessons learned and best practices

Submission Guidelines:
Proposals for 20-minute presentations should be no longer than 2 pages, and should describe the goal, technical content, and length of the presentation. Presentations which facilitate discussion are encouraged. Proposals for 1.5 to 2-hour panels should be no longer than 2 pages, and should include the topic, a short exposition on its relevance to the healthcare information community, and the names and affiliations of the panelists. Abstracts of accepted talks will be posted on the summit's Web site in advance of the event. Speakers should include a brief abstract at the beginning of their proposal as both a summary and for the purpose of sharing on the Web site. Proposals should be submitted electronically via the Web submission form by Friday, May 9, 2014, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.

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