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IMPACT 2017 : 7th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques


When Jan 23, 2016 - Jan 25, 2017
Where Stockholm Sweden
Abstract Registration Due Oct 21, 2016
Submission Deadline Oct 28, 2016
Notification Due Dec 2, 2016
Final Version Due Dec 16, 2016
Categories    polyhedral model   loop optimization   loop parallelization   model checking

Call For Papers

This is a CALL FOR PAPERS for


7th International Workshop on
Polyhedral Compilation Techniques

held in conjunction with HiPEAC 2017 (Jan 23-25, 2017)
Stockholm, Sweden.

Abstract submission: October 21, 2016 (AoE)
Paper submission: October 28, 2016 (AoE)
Author notification: December 02, 2016
Final version due: December 16, 2016
Workshop date: TBD


Polyhedral techniques have gained attention due to the rise of
multi-core processors and other architectures that require parallelism
and more complex schedules for data locality. At the heart of the
polyhedral model is an abstraction of programs that enables powerful
analysis and scheduling of applications. Recent developments in the
polyhedral model research area includes automatic parallelization
targeting various platforms, program verification, and hardware
synthesis. IMPACT is a unique workshop aimed to bring together
researchers and practitioners interested in polyhedral techniques to
exchange ideas. This year's IMPACT will be held in conjunction with
HiPEAC as a one-day workshop including technical paper presentations,
panel discussions, and possibly a keynote.

We welcome both theoretical and experimental papers on all aspects of
polyhedral compilation and optimization. We also welcome submissions
describing preliminary results, crazy new ideas, position papers,
experience reports, and available tools, with an aim to stimulate
discussions, collaborations, and advances in the field. The following
illustrate potential IMPACT papers:

- Discussion of a preliminary idea with an attempt to place
it in context but no experimental results.

- Experimental results comparing two or more existing ideas.

- Presentation of an existing idea in a different way including
illustrations of how the idea applies in current codes.
Attribution should be done as well as possible.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- program optimization (automatic parallelization, tiling, etc.)
- code generation
- data/communication management on GPUs, accelerators and
distributed systems
- hardware/high-level synthesis
- static analysis
- program verification
- model checking
- theoretical foundations of the polyhedral model
- extensions of the polyhedral model
- scalability and robustness of polyhedral compilation techniques
- autotuning
- application case studies
- tool demonstration


Submissions should not exceed 8 pages (recommended 6 pages), excluding
references, formatted as per ACM proceedings format. Please use the
following template when preparing your manuscript:

Submissions should be in PDF format and printable on US Letter or A4
sized paper. Please submit through EasyChair at:

Proceedings will be posted online. If the final version of an accepted
paper does not sufficiently address the comments of the reviewers, then
it may be accompanied by a note from the program committee. Publication
at IMPACT will not prevent later publication in conferences or journals
of the presented work. However, simultaneous submission to IMPACT and
other workshop, conference, or journal is often prohibited by the policy
of other venues. For instance, a paper with significant overlap with
IMPACT submission cannot be sent to PLDI 2017 or any other overlapping
SIGPLAN event.

We will also continue the poster teasers we started last year. Authors
of the rejected papers that still plan to attend HiPEAC will have an
opportunity to present their submission in the HiPEAC poster session. We
encourage poster presentations by providing a short (3 min.) slot in the
workshop to advertise the posters. If possible, posters related to
IMPACT will be gathered at the poster session close to each other.


Organizers and Program Chairs:

Mary Hall, University of Utah, USA
Tobias Grosser, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Program Committee:

Uday Bondhugula (IISc Bangalore, India)
Cedric Bastoul (University of Strasbourg, France)
Samuel Bayliss (Xilinx, USA)
Albert Cohen (INRIA, France)
Philippe Clauss (University of Strasbourg, France)
Alain Darte (CNRS, France)
Paul Feautrier (ENS Lyon / INRIA, France)
Armin Groesslinger (University of Passau, Germany)
Alexandra Jimborean (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Paul Kelly (Imperial College London, UK)
Andreas Kloeckner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Martin Kong (Rice University, USA)
Sanyam Mehta (Cray Inc., USA)
J. Ramanujam (Louisiana State University, USA)
P. Sadayappan (Ohio State University, USA)
Jun Shirako (Rice University, USA)
Michelle Strout (University of Arizona, USA)
Ramakrishna Upadrasta (IIT Hyderabad, USA)
Sven Verdoolaege (Polly Labs, Belgium)
David Wonnacott (Haverford College, USA)
Tomofumi Yuki (INRIA, France)
Hongbin Zheng (Xilinx Inc., USA)

Related Resources

IMPACT 2025   15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
PACT 2025   International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
HP3C 2025   2025 9th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2025)
IJCSITCE 2025   The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
NLP4PI 2025   NLP for Positive Impact Workshop
HP3C--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2025)
BIOM 2025   International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning
CIOS 2025   3rd International Conference on Cloud, IoT and Security
AGENTICS 2025   1st International Conference on Agentic and Generative Techniques in Intelligent Computational Systems
ASIDIC 2025   Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference