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MBE journal SCI 2019 : Special issue on Biological Models for Cybersecurity in journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2019
Categories    cybersecurity   computer   biological   engineering

Call For Papers

Special issue on Biological Models for Cybersecurity

The modeling of current network security is centered on security concepts and domain knowledge of the security state of a cyber system, which is often complicated and of large scale. Nature has long developed various solutions for intricate situations analogous to the cyber threats, which inspired useful cybersecurity solutions such as the classical methods for coping with polymorphic threats and the immune system inspired defense methods based on signature analysis. In recent years, emerging bio-inspired cyber systems have received great attention and a range of promising biological models for network security have been proposed.

This Special Issue aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the broad field of bio-inspired cyber security. All papers will be promptly and carefully refereed and selected based on the scientific contribution and relevance to the journal scope. All the submissions before 1 January, 2019 will be free of charge and after that 20% discount will be granted for this special issue. The deadline of submission for this special issue is 31 March, 2019.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
* Bio-inspired cyber security for smart grids
* Swarm and computational intelligence
* Epidemic spreading in networks
* Multi-agent based power systems
* Agent based and bio-inspired intrusion detection
* Bio-inspired artificial immune systems
* Machine learning based intrusion detection system
* Statistical and mathematical analysis of attack and defense in complex networks
* Mathematical population models
* Behavior-model and cyber-ecosystem
* Biometric recognition systems
* Evolutionary sensory system for cyber-physical system security
* Medical image watermarking
* Wireless sensor networks
* Cloud data services
* Mathematical and numerical simulation techniques

Guest Editor: Yilun Shang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

If you would like to submit to the issue and require a deadline extension, please contact the editorial office at

Full paper should be submitted online to the journal at
Before submission, authors should carefully read over the instruction for Authors which are located at .

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