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IRS 2017 : The international recognition of States from Antiquity to modern times. Tübingen, 7th-8th July 2017


When Jul 7, 2017 - Jul 7, 2017
Where Tübingen
Submission Deadline Dec 1, 2016
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2016
Categories    history   politics   law and practice   borders

Call For Papers

The international recognition of States from Antiquity to modern times

As global reactions to Russia’s annexation of Crimea have recently shown, international recognition is the key to legitimate existence for newly formed States. In pre-modern societies, the issue of recognition was mainly linked to the foundation of city-States and empires or the formation of hegemonies and military alliances. In modern times, recognition is a decisive factor in the development of international law. There is a strong interdependence, history shows, between institutional crisis and social, political, and economic change. This conference aims to offer a platform for discussion between historians and scholars of political science and law on at least five aspects of State recognition across the centuries:
- borders
- religion
- law and practice
- violence and war
- scale effects (local, national, international)
Two models of State building are considered preliminarily:
- desintegration (e. g. Soviet Union)
- unification (e. g. Germany)

We invite 30-minute papers (in German and English) in the areas of Antiquity (Hellenism, Roman Empire, Great Migration), the Middle Ages (Crusader States, Switzerland, Italian communes and principalties) and Modern history (Dutch Independence, American and French Revolutions). The conference is sponsored by the Collaborative Research Centre 923 “Threatened Orders”, an interdisciplinary team of scholars investigating societies under stress at the University of Tübingen.
Proposals should be sent by 1st December 2016 to the following adresses:

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