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IHC 2016 : Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems


When Oct 4, 2016 - Oct 7, 2016
Where Sao Paulo, Brazil
Submission Deadline Jun 12, 2016
Notification Due Jul 17, 2016
Final Version Due Aug 10, 2016
Categories    HCI   human computer interaction   human factors   smart cities

Call For Papers

Important Dates

Full papers

Deadline: 12/June/2016 (extended)
Results: 17/July/2016 (extended)
Camera ready: 10/August/2016 (extended)

Short papers, Posters & Demos, IHC in Practice and WTD
Deadline: 24/July/2016 (extended)
Results: 21/August/2016 (extended)
Camera ready: 04/September/2016 (extended)

Deadline: 03/July/2016
Results: 31/July/2016
Camera ready: 15/August/2016

Short Courses
Deadline: 22/May/2016 (ended)
Results: 05/June/2016
Camera ready: 14/August/2016

Deadline: 08/May/2016 (ended)
Notification: 29/May/2016 (ended)

Evaluation competition
Deadline to submit the abstract: 14/July/2016
Deadline to submit the report: 29/July/2016
Results: 22/August/2016
Camera ready: 31/August/2016

4th to 7th of October


Full papers
The category of full papers is to publish high quality academic research results. Submissions must contain original contribution that has not been published in another forum or is subject to review for other conferences or publications. Contributions should include relevant and unpublished research results, case studies or experiences that provide new evidence about the research or application of IHC.

Articles can be written in Portuguese or English and should follow the ACM SIGCHI publication format, version 2016. The submissions of full papers must be anonymous and contain up to 10 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography and appendices). Authors should submit a PDF version of their paper through the JEMS system.

Review process
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three researchers. In case of disparities and inconsistencies between reviews, the submission will be metareviewed by a senior researcher to support the final decision.

Authors of accepted papers must register to IHC 2016 to have their paper published in the proceedings and in the ACM Library. Each full paper will have 20 minutes for presentation, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

Luciana Cardoso De Castro Salgado (UFF) -

Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior (Centro Universitário da FEI) -


Short papers
The purpose of the Short Papers track is to allow submitting positions and critical discussions, preliminary results, as well as report of ongoing studies that bring relevant contributions to the HCI community, are able to promote discussions, and bring new ideas to the conference. Submissions must contain an original contribution not published in another forum or subject to review for other conferences or publications.

Short papers may be written either in Portuguese or in English, and must follow the ACM publication format for complete articles, with no more than 4 (four) pages.

Short paper submissions must be anonymized and contain up to 4 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography and annexes). Authors must submit their papers in PDF format, via the Conference Submission System.

Review process
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three researchers in HCI. In case of disagreements or inconsistencies, we will ask a senior reviewer to produce a meta-review to support the chairs final decision.

At least one of the authors of accepted papers must register to IHC 2016 and present the paper in a technical session to have their paper published in the proceedings and in the ACM Library. Each short paper will have 10 minutes for presentation, followed by 5 minutes for discussion.

Cristiano Maciel (UFMT) -

Roberto Pereira (UNICAMP) -


Posters and demos
The posters session is a forum for presentation and discussion of work in progress, in initial or intermediate stage of development, and thus with no solid results yet, though relevant to the HCI field and the event. The demos session will consist of an exhibition of digital interactive systems of various kinds, whether deployed or under development, with HCI relevance and including (but not restricted to): new graphic and interaction design solutions; digital art installations; new interaction styles; among others. For both categories (posters and demos), we welcome submissions from authors who wish to receive constructive feedback from active members from the Brazilian HCI community.

Submissions may be written either in English or in Portuguese, and must adhere to the ACM SIGCHI paper format template. Posters and demos submissions must be anonymous, and must not exceed 2 pages in length (including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography and annexes). Submissions must be made in PDF format, electronically (link to be released). Submissions should contain:

Problem contextualization: area, context, relevance and consequences of the problem being approached;
Theoretical foundation: references that guided the proposal and the scientific approach of the problem;
Methodology and current state of the work: methods being used in the work and if the work is in an initial stage, ongoing or concluded;
Related work: other research already published on similar problems;
Expected results: expected contribution to the HCI field by the completion of the work;
Demo details (when applicable): needed space, used devices, interaction with audience, etc.
At least one of the authors of accepted posters or demos must register to IHC 2016 and present his/her work at a collective and interactive exhibition session. Information about available resources will be later sent to the authors.

Silvia Amélia Bim (UTFPR) -

Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro (UFC) -


HCI in practice
The target audience of the HCI in Practice track are practitioners and professionals in industry working in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) that would like to share use cases, challenges and experiences about user experience techniques, methods and artefacts used to develop products and services as well as commercial, marketing and resources management related to them.
This is a unique opportunity not only for companies to present their view about HCI, but also to discuss with the academia the major challenges involved when applying HCI in a broader context. Both complete and in progress works are welcome.

Suggested Topics
Any topic related to HCI inside the companies is expected in this track, including but not limited to:

User Centered Design into the development of products and services;
Usability, User Experience (UX), Design Thinking;
HCI and agile methods: Agile UX, Lean UX;
Quality and management of User Centered Design: ROI, Quality assessment of products and processes;
Organizational aspects of User Centered Design: multidisciplinary teams, collaboration among different departments (marketing, IT, design, customer support, etc.);
Internal and external UX teams management;
Tools and equipments for prototyping;
Co-located and remote evaluation;
HCI in international, multi-site projects;
HCI, assistive technologies and accessibility;
HCI for Mobile Devices;
Big Data and HCI;
HCI and the Internet of Things (IoT);
HCI in public administration;
Smart cities and HCI;
Submissions can be written in either Portuguese or English by practitioners and professionals that work in the field of HCI in industry. They should report real world cases and experiences relevant to the HCI area, whether they have been successful or not.

Two-steps submission procedure:

Step 1: Submit an abstract in no more than one page, in PDF format, containing:

Title, author, company name;
Summary describing the problem and the solution;
Step 2: Authors of accepted abstracts should submit a document with the final, revised version. It must be in PDF format and according to ACM SIGCHI full paper template, but with a maximum of four (4) pages, covering the following content:

Title, author, company name;
Problem addressed and its context;
Solution adopted;
Complete submissions will be presented at the conference and published in the proceedings of the event.

Authors should make their submissions electronically through the JEMS System.

Authors are responsible for the content of the submission and for getting the approval from the company to submit the proposal and publish the paper.

Reviewing Process
Submissions will be evaluated by a team of professionals from the industry and the academia, and assessed based on the relevance of the theme and the contributions to both business and academic communities.
References to products and companies are allowed in the submissions, but should not present them only for marketing purposes.

At least one of the authors of accepted submissions must register to IHC 2016 to have their paper published in the proceedings and in the ACM Library and presented at the conference.
The authors of accepted submissions may present their work as an oral presentation in a technical session (15 minutes for presentation, followed by 5 minutes of discussions) or as a poster in a collective and interactive exhibition session, according to the feedback received from the review process. Detailed information about the oral and poster presentations will be later sent to the authors.

Eduardo Hideki Tanaka (Eldorado) -

Leonelo Dell Anhol Almeida (UTFPR) -


Workshop of thesis and dissertations
The Workshop of Thesis and Dissertations on HCI (WTD-IHC) is a forum dedicated to the presentation and discussion of ongoing Master's and Doctoral research on Human-Computer Interaction in development in Brazilian graduate programs.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a rich, dynamic environment that:

promotes the visibility and improvement of ongoing research;
offers feedback and suggestions made by experienced HCI researchers;
allows students to improve their scientific writing and presentation skills;
promotes the exchange of ideas, integration and collaboration among students and researchers; and
promotes discussions and presentations of novel and challenging themes.
WTD-IHC submissions must report ongoing research. Research in advanced stages or concluded are outside the scope of the workshop. The following kinds of work are eligible:

Doctoral research with a defined (but not necessarily approved) proposal, whose students are on the second year or later, with defenses planned for at least the second semester of 2017; and
Master's research with defenses planned for early 2017.
You may submit your research work to WTD-IHC even if you (plan to) submit another version of your work to another IHC2016 track (for instance, full papers or demos). Submissions can be written either in Portuguese or in English.

Authors must submit a .zip file comprising two documents:

Document 1. Cover letter in PDF, containing:

Title of the work
Student's name
Name of supervisor(s)
Level (Master's or Doctorate)
Name of the graduate program
Student's contact e-mail
Supervisor's contact e-mail
Year of enrollment in graduate program
Estimate date of defense
Activity schedule, distinguishing what is done (for instance, qualifying, proposal) from what is planned
Abstract in Portuguese or English (with 180 words maximum)
Document 2. Extended abstract (with authors' names and affiliations), in PDF format, up to 4 (four) pages, including figures, tables, bibliographical references and appendices, following the ACM SIGCHI publication template, adopted by IHC2016.

In this abstract, we expect the following content:

Research goal and problem definition;
Theoretical foundations to the research, including a comparison to related work;
Intended solution to the problem;
Research methodology, explaining how the work will be developed and evaluated; and
Expected contributions of the work.
Both documents must compose a single compressed file in .zip format to be submitted via the IHC2016 conference submission system. We will desk-reject submissions that do not follow the .zip format containing the two .pdf files, abstracts that exceed four pages or that do not follow the publication format. Submissions should be accompanied by an e-mail from the supervisor to and, acknowledging the submission and confirming that it fulfills the aforementioned requirements for eligibility at WTD-IHC.

Review Process
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three HCI researchers. In case of conflicts, a senior researcher will do a meta-review to support the final decision. The authors of accepted papers must take into consideration the reviews when preparing the final, camera-ready version of the extended abstract.

The accepted papers will be presented and discussed during WTD-IHC, with invited researchers and members of the program committee. As the workshop consists of a discussion forum for ongoing work, authors must register at the conference and are expected to actively participate in WTD-IHC, not only presenting their work, but also contributing to their peers' work. The activities and format of the workshop will be announced in time for participants to prepare so as to fully benefit from their participation.

Accepted papers will be published at the IHC2016 Extended Proceedings, conditional to the registration of the student in IHC2016.

Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa (PUC-RJ) –

Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE) –


Short courses
Short courses aim to present practically and didactically a general view on a research topic or technology that might be interesting for the HCI community. Thus, attendants will be able to learn about a new topic, as well as apply the content to their researches and practices.

Short courses must have as target audience undergraduate and graduate students and/or professionals. It is expected that the courses consider topics related to the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factor in Computer Systems. Interdisciplinary proposals are also welcome. Short courses must be planned for 3 or 6 hours long and presented in Portuguese or English.

Short courses are subject to cancellation if there is not a minimum of 10 registered participants or if the committee considered its realization inviable.

Submissions should be limited to two pages, in Portuguese or English, in ACM SIGCHI paper format (SIGCHI Papers and Notes) and must contain the following sections:

Title, authors and affiliations (submission of short courses should not be anonymous).
Presentation (synthesis of the thematic importance).
Extended Summary (brief explanation of what will be covered in each topic).
Audience (to specify the audience and to signalize why the proposed course should attract the attention of this audience. Explain and justify any prerequisites.).
Authors’ biographies (each author should be briefly presented).
Duration of the course (three or six hours).
Language that the course will be taught in (English or Portuguese).
Computing and audiovisual resources needed.
Bibliographic references (if necessary).
Each selected course must have as a final version a text that will be published as a book chapter: from 20 to 30 pages for 3-hour courses, or from 30 to 40 pages, for 6-hour courses. Authors must allow the publication of the abstract in the IHC 2015 website. Portuguese book chapters must have title and abstract in English.

One lecturer for each course will be given free registration in the event. Other types of support are being evaluated by the Organizing Committee.

Submissions must be sent electronically, in PDF format, via JEMS system, short course category.

Isabela Gasparini (UDESC) -

Marcelle Mota (UFPA) -


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems (IHC 2015). The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere.

Proposals should include:
Workshop name and a 150- to 200-word abstract describing the workshop, according to the Topics of interest presented on the Symposium Web site;
A short summary of the topic, scope and significance of the workshop including a discussion on the relevance to IHC 2016 topics (please, include information about previous sessions of the workshop, if any);
Information about the procedure for selecting papers, plans for dissemination (for example, special issues of journals, or position statements distributed to the participants), the expected number of participants, and the planned workshop format;
A brief CV of each of the organizers, including contact addresses and an identification of a single primary contact;
A proposal for the workshop submission, acceptance notification and camera-ready deadlines.
Please, observe that the notification of acceptance for the workshops is May, 20th. Therefore, the deadlines for the submission of articles should be after this date and the notification of acceptance of articles for the workshop should be sent at least one week before the registration date (first date with discount), to be defined by the Symposium Committee. It is important to highlight that the final versions of the articles must be available to the organizers until August 5th, 2016, in order to be able to make them available in the Proceedings (in a Complementary volume).

All the proposals will be judged on their merits. Relevant topics, results disseminations, and support from a team in line with the topic will be considered. Around 5 proposal will be accepted. Success on previous events (in terms of attendance, submissions, etc.) will be taken into account in our deliberations, however the acceptance is not automatic.

IHC 2016 organization will provide:

Page hosted (or link) on IHC 2016 Web site;
Management of registration for participants;
Setup of meeting space and related equipment;
Coffee breaks.
For workshops interested in publishing their proceedings, the IHC 2016 organization will provide the following support: (Note that workshop proceedings will not be included in the same volume as the IHC 2016 Symposium Proceedings):

Collect camera-ready versions of the papers and their copyright forms;
Provide support for publishing on line;
Provide support to obtain an ISBN number;
Publish the accepted articles in the Symposium Proceedings (pendrive).
The responsibility of organizing and executing the workshop belong to the proponents. The workshop organization must take care of:
Coordinating deadlines and acceptance notifications for workshop papers with the IHC 2016 Workshop Chairs;
Workshop publicity, call for papers, submission and review process, and any contact with the authors;
Providing a brief description of the workshop for inclusion on the IHC 2016 Web page;
Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the IHC 2016 local organizers.
Authors must post their submissions via JEMS System, in PDF format. If you have questions regarding the IHC 2016 Workshops, please, feel free to send us an email.

Artur Henrique Kronbauer (UNIFACS) -

Lara Schibelsky Godoy Piccolo (UNICAMP) -


Evaluation competition
The Evaluation Competition seeks to motivate the participation of undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers in HCI, contributing to the training of these students. The Evaluation Competition has an essentially practical nature: participants make the evaluation of a computer system and thus apply their theoretical knowledge related to HCI evaluation methods..

Competition Theme
This year's HCI has a focus on the role of Human-Computer Interaction within the context of smart cities. The Evaluation Competition 2016 explores the mobility of people in the cities. Different services and applications facilitate urban mobility, some generally available (e.g. Waze or Google/Bing Maps), others contextualized to specific cities (for example: Curitiba - Próximo ônibus, Distrito Federal - Metrô-DF, Fortaleza - Meuônibus Fortaleza, São Paulo - Citymapper).

In order to get inspired, have a look at the following pages:
Object and focus

Evaluate the user experience of an application that supports urban mobility.


The teams are free to choose the methods they will use to evaluate the system. Within the context of urban mobility, some methods might expose evaluators or other people to risks, for example traffic participants. It is the evaluation teams' responsibility to evaluate these risks. Teams that opt for not using methods due to possible risks will not have any disadvantages during the review process.


After the evaluation, each team must generate a report containing:

name(s) of employed evaluation method(s);
justification of the choice of method(s);
description of the chosen platform(s): brand, model, operating system;
description of the evaluation process;
evaluation results;
closing remarks: conclusion and other observations
team analysis of how the employed method(s) were able (or not) to identify aspects related to the experience of use of the application(s).
Submissions of reports should be anonymous and have up to 15 pages following the template for extended abstracts of ACM SIGCHI version 2016.
Authors should make their submissions electronically in PDF format, using the conference's submission system.
Reports will be kept confidential during the review process and reports of the finalists will be kept confidential until the start of the event, when, during the presentations, the teams will be identified.

Team Requirements
Two kinds of teams are allowed to participate in the competition:

Undergraduate students: 3 to 5 students.
Graduate students: 2 to 4 students.
All teams need to have exactly one professor-advisor, associated to a higher education institution. Mixed teams, i.e. teams comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, are not allowed.

Not following these requirements results in automatic exclusion from the selection process.

Instructions for Participation
To participate in the Competition, each team should follow three steps:

Run the evaluation;
Submit the abstract;
Submit the evaluation report;
If chosen, present the evaluation report during the Evaluation Competition session at IHC 2016 in São Paulo.
Evaluation of submitted reports
Each report will be evaluated by a reviewer with experience in HCI or evaluation of interactive systems. The following criteria will be considered:

Readability, organization and presentation of the evaluation report;
Clear definition of the evaluation scope and purpose;
Adequacy of the chosen method(s) and evaluation procedure(s);
Quality of results considering the established scope and purpose;
Consideration of ethical issues involved in conducting the evaluation (in the case of using methods involving users or people outside the team);
Quality of the critical analysis of the ability of the method to disclose or not potential problems of use of the system;
Selection and presentation at IHC 2016
3 finalists of each category (undergraduate and graduate) will be selected for a short oral presentation, followed by questions from a group of evaluators, during the event in São Paulo, Brazil, between October 4th and 7th 2016. The presence of at least one member of each finalist team is required.

Each finalist team who presents their work at the conference will receive a Certificate of Recognition.

Support of the participation of finalists
The organization will provide a free registration for one member of each team selected for oral presentation.

The reports of the finalist teams will be published as the extended abstracts of the IHC 2016 proceedings.

System to be evaluated: applications for support of urban mobility;
Criteria to be evaluated: User experience;
Methods to be used: selected by the teams;
Team size: 1 professor-advisor + 3 to 5 undergraduate students OR 1 professor-advisor + 2 to 4 graduate students;
Andréia Libório (UFC) -

Heiko Hornung (Unicamp) -

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