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PerCom 2017 : IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsConference Series : Pervasive Computing and Communications | |||||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.percom.org/node/7 | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
PerCom 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
Call for Papers Research contributions are solicited in all areas pertinent to pervasive computing and communications, including: Advances in systems and infrastructures: middleware systems and services; large-scale data management for pervasive computing; clouds, cloudlets, and fog computing; integrations of smartphones in pervasive experiences; device-to-device coordination and self-organising networks; opportunistic networking and sensing Technological innovations: architectures, protocols, and technologies for pervasive communications; mobile and wearable computing systems and services; smart devices and intelligent environments; positioning and tracking technologies; sensors and RFID; energy-efficient and green pervasive computing Domain-specific challenges and novel applications: urban and mobile crowd sensing and intelligence; pervasive technologies for healthcare; cyber-physical pervasive computing; innovative pervasive computing applications; applications for smart cities Models and algorithms: context modeling and reasoning; adaptive, autonomic, and context-aware computing; activity recognition; opportunistic networking; programming paradigms; cognitive computing; user profiling and personalization in pervasive computing New techniques for user-level concerns: participatory and social sensing; trust, security, and privacy; user interface, interaction, and persuasion; social networking and pervasive computing Authors should pay special attention to the evaluation of the work. Contributions can be analytical, empirical, technological, methodological, or even cross-cutting. Evaluations should be appropriate to the type of contribution in terms of metrics and scale. Papers reporting strong systems engineering contributions backed by solid and appropriate evaluations are strongly encouraged. In all cases, the impact of the contributions should be demonstrated and evaluated in the context of pervasive computing and communications. Papers applying known techniques from other fields must clearly demonstrate substantial novelty in or impact on pervasive computing and communications. For important dates see: http://www.percom.org/node/3 For submission instructions see: http://www.percom.org/node/10 Please follow PerCom on Twitter and Facebook for latest news. For further information about the call for papers you can contact the TPC Chair at percom2017@gmail.com. Best Paper Award The best paper will receive the prestigious Mark Weiser Best Paper Award. Papers of particular merit will be considered for a special issue of the Elsevier journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC). |