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I-CHALLENGE 2012 : Linked Data Cup


When Sep 5, 2012 - Sep 7, 2012
Where Graz, Austria
Submission Deadline Apr 2, 2012
Notification Due May 7, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 4, 2012
Categories    semantic web   linked data   triplification   challenge

Call For Papers

The yearly organised Linked Data Cup (formerly Triplification Challenge) awards prizes to the most promising innovation involving linked data. Four different technological topics are addressed: triplification, interlinking, cleansing, and application mash-ups. The Linked Data Cup invites scientists and practitioners to submit novel and innovative (5 star) linked data sets and applications built on linked data technology.
Although more and more data is triplified and published as RDF and linked data, the question arises how to evaluate the usefulness of such approaches. The Linked Data Cup therefore requires all submissions to include a concrete use case and problem statement alongside a solution (triplified data set, interlinking/cleansing approach, linked data application) that showcases the usefulness of linked data. Submissions that can provide measurable benefits of employing linked data over traditional methods are preferred.
Note that the call is not limited to any domain or target group. We accept submissions ranging from value-added business intelligence use cases to scientific networks to the longest tail of information domains. The only strict requirement is that the employment of linked data is very well motivated and also justified (i.e. we rank approaches higher that provide solutions, which could not have been realised without linked data, even if they lack technical or scientific brilliance).

Evaluation Criteria
The submissions will be initially evaluated with a well-known five star ranking system. Furthermore, entries will be assessed according to the extent to which they
1. motivate the relevancy of their use case for their respective domain;
2. justify the adequacy of linked data technologies for their solution;
3. demonstrate that all alternatives to linked data would have resulted in an inferior solution;
4. provide an evaluation that can measure the benefits of linked data

Ideas for topics include (but are not limited to):
+ Improving traditional approaches with help of linked data
+ Linked data use in science and education
+ Linked data supported multimedia applications
+ Linked data in the open source context
+ Web annotation
+ Generic applications
+ Internationalization of linked data
+ Visualization of linked data
+ Linked government data
+ Business models based on linked data
+ Recommender systems supported by linked data
+ Integrating microposts with linked data
+ Distributed social web based on linked data
+ Linked data sensor networks

Submission and Reviewing
Submissions to the Linked Data Cup will be reviewed by members of the Linked Data Cup Board and invited experts from the Linked Data community.
Submissions should consist of 4 pages and must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting as accepted submissions will be published in the I-SEMANTICS 2012 proceedings in the digital library of the ACM ICP series. Please read the submission page for detailed information on how to submit.

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