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SEIA 2017 : 3rd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances


When Sep 20, 2017 - Sep 22, 2017
Where Moscow, Russia
Abstract Registration Due May 20, 2017
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2017
Notification Due Apr 20, 2017
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2017
Categories    sensors   measurements   instrumentation   biosensors

Call For Papers


The 3rd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2017) is a forum for presentation, discussion, and exchange of information and latest research and development results in both theoretical and experimental research in sensors, transducers and their related fields. It brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from diverse fields including international scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes, and companies to present and discuss the latest results in the field of sensors and measurements. The 1st SEIA conference was held in Dubai (UAE), 21‐22 November 2015 and the 2nd - in Barcelona, Castelldefels (Spain), 22-23 September 2016.

The SEIA conference is focusing any significant breakthrough and innovation in Sensors, Electronics, Measuring Instrumentation and Transducers Engineering Advances and its applications with broadest concept. The conference is organized by the International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) and Asian Society of Applied Mathematics and Engineering (ASAME) in technical cooperation with National Research Center Kurchatov Institute and National Research Nuclear University (both from Moscow, Russia). IFSA is a non-profit association and is operated exclusively for educational, scientific and technical purposes for the benefit of the international sensor community.

We trust that you will find SEIA' 2017 conference professionally rewarding and stimulating as well as enjoyable. Welcome to SEIA' 2017 !

The conference is focusing any significant breakthrough and innovation in Sensors, Electronics, Measuring Instrumentation and Transducers Engineering Advances and its applications including Internet of Things (IoT), wearable devices, smart homes and cities, healthcare, etc. by focusing on main areas as:

Sensor Technology:

* Accelerometers
* Inclinometers
* Gyroscopes
* Mechanical Sensors
* Optical Sensors
* Optical Fiber Sensors
* Photonic Sensors
* Chemical Sensors
* Biosensors
* Immunosensors
* Temperature Sensors
* Pressure Sensors
* Acoustic Sensors
* Electromagnetic Sensors
* Gas Sensors
* Humidity Sensors
* Infrared Sensors, Devices and Thermography
* Radiation Sensors
* Multi Sensor Fusion
* Smart Sensors
* Intelligent Sensors
* Virtual Sensors
* Sensor Interfacing and Signal Conditioning
* Sensor Calibration
* Nanomaterials and Electronics Technology for Sensors
* Semiconductor Materials for Sensors
* Polymer Materials for Sensors
* Remote Sensors and Telemetry
* Sensor Applications

Sensor Instrumentation and Measuring Technology:

* Metrology and Measurement Science
* Methods of Measurements
* Calibrations and Standards
* Measurement of Electrical Quantities
* Time and Frequency Measurements
* Measurement of Force, Mass, Torque, Inclination and Acceleration
* Magnetic Measurements
* Hardness Measurements
* Measurement of Geometrical Quantities
* Temperature and Thermal Measurements
* Pressure and Vacuum Measurements
* Vibration and Noise Measurement
* Flow Measurements
* Chemical Measurements
* Quantum Measurements and Photonics
* Acoustics and the Ultrasonic Measurements
* Environmental Measurements
* Power and Energy Measurements
* Measurement of Human Functions
* Measurements in Biology and Medicine
* Mathematical Tools for Measurements
* Optical and Radiation Measurements
* Microwave Measurements
* Virtual Instruments and Data Acquisition Systems
* Software Measurements
* Measurement Systems
* Distributed Measurements
* Analog-to-Digital Converters, Digital and Mixed Signal Processing
* Waveform Analysis and Measurements
* Scientific and Industrial Instrumentation
* Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT
* Experimental Mechanics
* Measurement in Robotics
* Metrology in Food and Nutrition
* Intelligent and Computer Vision Instruments
* Reliability of Instrument and Measurement Systems
* Nanometrology
* Technical Diagnostics and Testing
* Nondestructive Testing
* Education and Training in Measurement and Instrumentation

Contribution Types:

- Keynote presentations
- Industrial presentations
- Regular papers
- Posters

Special Sessions:

Authors are welcome to manage special sessions during the conference. Each session will contain 4-6 papers in a related field as specified above

Session organizers will receive:

1) - Certificate of Appreciation
2) - 20 % registration discounts on each submitted paper
3) - Special Publishing Theme within Conference Proceedings

We look forward to meeting you in Moscow !

Prof., Dr., Sergey Y. Yurish
Dr. Amin Daneshmand Malayeri

Conference Co-Chairmen

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