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KDD 2017 : Networking with Experts - Call for Proposals


When Aug 13, 2017 - Aug 17, 2017
Where Halifax, Nova Scotia
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2017
Notification Due Jul 31, 2017
Categories    knowledge discovery   data mining   machine learning   data science

Call For Papers

[KDD 2017] Networking with Experts Forum – Call for Participation

Dear KDD-2017 Participants,

Thank you to all who have submitted their proposals to us already. For those that have not, this is a friendly reminder that the deadline is extended to Monday, July 31, 2017. Be sure to follow the instructions on how to prepare the one-page proposal.

At KDD 2017 this year, we are excited to bring a new program called the Networking with Experts Forum, which consists of hourly round-table sessions with experts during the main conference days from August 14 - 16. This will be an invaluable opportunity for graduate students and early-career researchers to discuss their research progress as well as career development plan with each other and with leading researchers in Data Mining that would normally not be easily accessible to them. KDD and the experts consider this as an act of giving back to the research community to prepare the next generation of researchers for success. The forum is organized as round-table sessions including short presentations on individual research, and mentoring discussions based on interests. The participants will have an opportunity to intensively discuss with leading experts in corresponding areas.

The round-table sessions are informal discussions of work-in-progress, theoretical problems, practical issues, future directions, or career suggestions among participants and leading experts. Every expert will sit in a table and lead the discussion. Each participant will present their work, receive feedback from the experts, following by a Q&A session. Chairs reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per table.

We welcome proposal submissions from graduate students and early-career researchers at any stage.

How to Prepare Your One-Page Proposal
Proposals must be submitted via email below and must include the following for each presenter:
1) Name, Affiliation, and Status (MS student, PhD student or early-career researcher)
2) Select one general topic of interest from the following
* Classification
* Clustering
* Association Analysis
* Deep Learning
* Data Science Applications
3) Title: The title should accurately reflect the research topic you are working on
4) Abstract: The abstract should be no more than 50 words. It should be carefully written and proofread.
5) Please indicate that whether we have your permission to distribute your proposal to other participants to facilitate the discussion

Submission Guidelines
Proposals are due at 5:00 pm ET, 31 July 2017. Proposals must be submitted to Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline. All participants will be confirmed by 7 August 2017.

To participate at the Networking with Experts Forum, you must register for the forum. To register, just select the Networking with Experts Forum on the convention registration form. Registration opens in June. The process for submitting a proposal for the forum is separate from the process for registering. Registration is free with the main conference registration.

Program Chairs
Jingrui He
Arizona State University

Xia Ben Hu
Texas A&M University

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