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SETP 2010 : 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice


Conference Series : Software Engineering Theory and Practice
When Jul 12, 2010 - Jul 14, 2010
Where Orlando, USA
Submission Deadline May 31, 2010
Categories    software engineering   software   programming languages   formal methods

Call For Papers

The scope of the conference includes all areas of Software Engineering and all related areas. Sample topics include but WILL NOT be limited to:

* Agent-based software engineering
* Agile software development
* AI and knowledge-based software engineering
* Aspect-oriented software engineering
* Automated software engineering
* Case studies
* CASE tools
* Component-based software engineering
* Computer supported cooperative work
* Configuration management
* Critical software engineering
* Distributed and parallel software architectures
* Domain modeling
* Education aspects of software engineering
* Embedded software engineering
* Empirical software engineering
* Game development software
* Grid software
* High performance software systems
* Human computer interaction
* Hypermedia
* Interoperability
* Knowledge acquisition
* Legal issues
* Measurement and analysis
* Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
* Model-oriented software engineering
* Multimedia in software design
* Object-oriented methodologies
* Performance critical systems
* Pervasive software engineering
* Program understanding
* Programming languages
* Project management
* Quality issues
* Real-time software engineering
* Real-time software systems
* Reflection and metadata methodologies
* Reliability
* Requirement engineering
* Reverse engineering
* Service-oriented software architecture
* Social implications of software development
* Software architectures and design
* Software cost estimation
* Software design patterns
* Software development aspects for mobile computing
* Software documentation
* Software domain modeling
* Software economics
* Software maintenance
* Software outsourcing
* Software policies and ethics
* Software process modeling
* Software processes and workflows
* Software requirements engineering
* Software reuse
* Software safety and reliability
* Software security
* Software specification
* Software testing
* Software tools
* Survivable systems
* Theoretic approaches for software development
* Ubiquitous software engineering
* Unified Modeling Language (UML)
* User interface issues for software development
* Verification and validation of software
* Workflow management

Related Resources

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