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JMMH 2017 : Call for Submissions: The Journal for MultiMedia History


When Dec 9, 2016 - Mar 15, 2017
Where USA
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2017
Categories    history   digital humanities   multimedia history

Call For Papers

Call for Submissions:

The Journal for MultiMedia History (JMMH) accepts multimedia history submissions for peer review and possible publication. Videos and films, hypertext, computer based and internet projects, or blends of media as ancient as theater and as new as interactive mobile technology are welcome. Projects covering any and all topics of history are welcome. Submissions can be entered via links on the sidebar of the main page of the JMMH at

The Journal also welcomes scholarly analyses of the field of multimedia history. Scholarly analyses would typically be peer reviewed by the JMMH. The JMMH also welcomes reviews of works relevant to multimedia history (reviews of multimedia history projects or of books relevant to the field, and so on). Reviews can be submitted to the link above for consideration by the editor for possible publication. Reviews and analyses can take text or multimedia form.

The Journal for MultiMedia History is the first peer-reviewed electronic journal that presents, evaluates, and disseminates multimedia historical scholarship. Begun in 1998, the JMMH has undergone a recent revitalization and is accepting submissions for forthcoming issues. The JMMH is a history journal, guided by the same principles as the discipline of history overall. The JMMH, though, takes as its starting point the idea that different forms can enhance or even revolutionize how we question, pursue, experience, understand, and portray history. Therefore, the JMMH promotes, showcases, and examines the field of multimedia history.

As noted, submissions can be entered via links on the sidebar of the main page of the JMMH at However, if there are any questions about how to submit a multimedia history project to the JMMH, please follow directions on the website, including how to email the editor directly. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for publication in the JMMH.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. For inclusion in the first revitalized issue, submissions should be made before March 15, 2017. Publication date of all approved submissions to be determined by the Editor.


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