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AISB 2017 : Swarm Intelligence & Evolutionary Computation


When Apr 19, 2017 - Apr 21, 2017
Where Bath, Uk
Submission Deadline Feb 14, 2017
Notification Due Mar 6, 2017
Final Version Due Mar 13, 2017
Categories    swarm intelligence   artificial intelligence   evolutionary computation

Call For Papers

Swarm intelligence (SI) and evolutionary computation (EC) techniques have been thriving research topics, specially with the dominating presence of big data in all aspects of technology and and their importance in policy making for institutions, governments and international bodies.

Self-organising nature of swarm intelligence in both nature and computational models is key to the attractiveness of such techniques; several such techniques are already proposed, not only explaining and reflecting on the natural-and-social phenomena but also their application to solve complex problems in many fields is an ongoing observation.

Additionally, noisy environments and/or incomplete data are often at the heart of hard real-world data where search and optimisation-related problems are amongst the core issues. Ever since the inception of SI and EC techniques, researchers have been attracted to the complex emergent behaviour, robustness and easy-to-understand architecture of nature-inspired swarm intelligence algorithms; and, particularly in challenging search environments, these algorithms have often proved more useful than conventional approaches.

This symposium would be facilitating the discussion of emerging topics in this context and would encourage early-career researchers, enthusiasts as well as senior academics to engage in a dialogue surrounding the applications and theories based on swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation techniques.

Topics of interest for this symposium include, but not limited to:
•applied and theoretical research in swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation
•applications of swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation techniques to real-world problems
•studying the behaviour of social insects, social animals and natural phenomena in the context of swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation techniques

Invited Speakers:
Prof. Juergen Branke
Professor of Operational Research & Systems
University of Warwick

Paper Submission:
Please limit submissions to eight pages of text, including notes and bibliography, formatted according to AISB guidelines. Here are templates for the preparation of papers for the convention:

Submission Link:

Authors of accepted papers (up to 8-pages) will be expected to give 30 minute presentations, including 5 to 10 minutes for questions, on the day of the symposium.

We are considering the publication of a selection of extended and re-reviewed papers from the symposium in a journal special issue.

More details can be found via

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