Over the last few years the notion of a decentralised Web has emerged: where individuals and organisations are empowered to control and manage their digital assets. We are in the process of establishing an interdisciplinary network of researchers to have a common dialogue on the technical issues related to this decentralised Web and how these issues relate to social, economic, and policy aspects. The Decent(ralised) Web Symposium will serve as the initialisation of our common activities. As such we would like to invite researchers with an interest in technologies associated to our concept.
The symposium will feature a time slot for 10-12 lightning talks, as well as space for posters, to allow participants to share their vision, challenges and/or current work. If you are interested in giving a lightning talk, please submit title and abstract of your proposal using this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5BsUXYpZjp0Uphmt64pJc5oYVYs3rvFY0ZjAHatIdJoEW2Q/viewform