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ICSR 2019 : The 8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business


When Oct 24, 2019 - Oct 25, 2019
Where University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2019
Notification Due Jul 2, 2019
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2019
Categories    social responsibility   ethics   markets   sustainability

Call For Papers

The 8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business

Theme: Corporate responsibility, sustainability & markets

University of Minho, Braga, Portugal|24 – 25 October 2019
Call for papers

In this conference we want to address how evolving marketing purposes in organisations and/or market logics, connect with the purpose of corporate responsibility and sustainability practices, or related community and societal logics. Are individuals turning away from the irresponsible global corporation and seeking out the small, the ethical and the socially responsible to buy from?

We can further inquire which markets and organisations are supported by a new sensitivity to social responsibility and sustainability ideas, principles, practices, arrangements, and agendas, and which markets might be weakened by such principles. What emerging markets can we imagine that are inherently responsible? Does the integration of corporate responsibility strategies and practices change the ways in which organisations operate? How are markets shaped by or shape social enterprises or non-profit organisations, and what do these new arrangements, or collaborations reveal?

We invite contributions that address these questions. In particular, we welcome articles that include current thinking and developments by both academics and practitioners, combining theoretical foundations on markets and/or marketing and corporate responsibility with practical insights that help managers in decision-making processes. Below is an indicative (but not exclusive) list of possible submission topics:

Market growth or decline and sustainability;
Emerging ‘responsible’ markets (organic food, slow fashion, sustainable brands, etc);
The rise of social enterprises;
Corporate responsibility and market concepts;
Social or societal marketing;
The integration of corporate responsibility principles in marketing strategies;
Market benefits resulting from corporate responsibility;
Corporate responsibility and reputation;
Cause-related marketing;
Consumers’ responses to corporate responsibility and how these shape markets;
How marketing practitioners employ corporate responsibility or sustainability knowledge in their firms.
Teaching of CSR
Sustainability and education
SDG’s and corporate practice
Submission of abstracts

Applicants should submit an abstract of 300 words in a Word document format via email to Dr Georgiana Grigore at by 15 June 2019.

Please add the following information : (i) full title, (ii) all author names, (iii) affiliations of each author, (iv) abstract of the paper, (v) 3-6 keywords of the paper, and (vi) acknowledgements or disclosure notices (if any).

Up to two submissions will be considered per author. Only the abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Review process

Acceptance for the conference presentation will be based on a review of the 300 words abstract. At least two reviewers will offer feedback on the abstracts.


Following the conference, attendees will be invited to submit a full paper to be selected to an edited collection with ‘Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility’. Further information will be provided regarding the full paper submission.

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