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VII LSM Professors IntLaw & IR 2017 : VII Luso-Spanish Meeting of Professors of International Law and International Relations | |||||||||||||
Link: http://encontrolusoespanhol.cedis.fd.unl.pt/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Call for Papers: Non-state actors in international law
The VII Luso-Spanish Meeting of Professors of International Law and International Relations will take place in Oeiras, organized by the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Universidade de Extremadura, on June 2 and 3, 2017, having as general theme “Non-state actors in international law“. All interested parties are invited to submit papers for discussion at this scientific meeting, which are framed in the following topics: Non-state religiously inspired actors Within this scope, the following subjects can be debated, amog others: religion and evolution of international law; international legal personality of the Holy See, the Order of Malta and the Ismaili Imamat; criteria for the recognition of international legal personality to other religious entities; transnational religious actors; religion and international security. The role of individuals and non-governmental organizations in international law Within this scope, the following can be addressed, among other themes: the legal-international status of individuals and non-governmental organizations; the role of non-governmental organizations in the development of international human rights and international humanitarian law, in protecting the environment and other cross-border threats, in nuclear non-proliferation, in the evolution of international development law and in ensuring international peace and security. Economic globalization and transnational corporations In this context, the following can be analyzed, among other themes: the international legal status of transnational corporations; regulation of international trade; global administrative law; the protection of foreign investment; human rights and transnational corporations. Communications (written in Portuguese or Spanish) selected by the Portuguese-Spanish Scientific Committee – for public presentation and debate during the VII Meeting and for publication – must not exceed 5,000 words (font Times New Roman, size 12 and space 1.5 for main text; size 10 and space 1 for footnotes). The inaugural conference, lectures and all communications selected by the Portuguese-Spanish Scientific Committee will be published by a Portuguese publisher. The deadline for submission of communications ends on April 30, 2017, which should be sent to the following email fpereiracoutinho@fd.unl.pt, or via the form available here. |