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HLDVT 2017 : 19th IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop 2017


Conference Series : High Level Design Validation and Test
When Oct 5, 2017 - Oct 6, 2017
Where Santa Cruz, CA
Abstract Registration Due Jul 14, 2017
Submission Deadline Jul 23, 2017
Notification Due Aug 24, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 11, 2017
Categories    design validation   design verification   test   SOC

Call For Papers

The 19th HLDVT workshop aims to bring together a community of researchers in the areas of design validation and test of hardware, software, cyber-physical systems, smart-systems, biological systems, and bio-chips. The workshop addresses the integration of multiple functions on-chip/in-system at higher levels of design abstraction, and the techniques and methodologies for modeling, analyzing, and validating such systems. In particular, the workshop has become a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the practical issues associated with validation of extremely large designs in the application fields of: automotive, communication, green computing, healthcare and biological systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Simulation-Based Validation
Formal Verification, and Hybrid Methods
Design Abstraction, and Behavioral Modeling
Error Trace Interpretation, and Debugging
Functional safety/safety-critical system verification
On-Chip, and Core-Based Testing
Test Generation for Defects, Design Errors, and Delay Faults
Hardware/Software, and Mixed-Signal System Co-Validation
Emulation, and Prototyping
Post-silicon Validation, and Debug
Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Design and Test for AMS systems
Variability, Reliability and Dependability management of SoCs.

Paper Submission: The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers not to exceeding 8 pages (in the IEEE two-column conference format with 10-pt font size), describing original and unpublished work. Panels and special session proposals are also invited. All submissions must be made electronically in PDF format using the submission web site:
Paper Publication and Presenter Registration: All accepted papers will be made available on IEEE Xplore. The submission of a paper or panel proposal will be considered as evidence that upon acceptance, the author(s) will present their work. For the papers to appear in the program and proceedings, at least one different full workshop registration by an author is required before the submission of the camera-ready version. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the workshop.

Related Resources

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