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CTA 2018 : The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing and its Applications


When Jul 16, 2018 - Jul 20, 2018
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline May 1, 2018
Notification Due May 15, 2018
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2018
Categories    software engineering   software testing   computer science   information technology

Call For Papers

The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing and its Applications
(CTA 2018)

Lisbon, Portugal, July 16-20, 2018

!!! Extended deadline May 1, 2018 !!!

co-located with the 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS 2018)

Combinatorial methods are a promising modern approach to software testing. In particular, pairwise testing, which requires testing all pairs of possible values for any pair of input parameters, has shown a high level of fault detection. A more general approach, t-wise testing, which is an extension of pairwise testing for t from 3 to 6, considers a combination of any t input parameter values to be covered by at least one test. It requires more test cases but provides even better results. Combinatorial testing (CT) is also an effective approach to testing hardware and software configurations. The CTA 2017 workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on CT. The workshop will provide a platform for the discussion of problems in the theory and practice of CT with a focus on its applications in different domains. Participants will be able to use this opportunity to share their knowledge through informal discussions, develop new ideas, and establish new collaborations on CT topics.
Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Theoretical basis of CT
- Methods, models, and algorithms for combinatorial test generation
- CT for configuration testing
- CT for input testing
- CT for security testing
- Types of faults detected by CT
- CT effectiveness
- CT coverage
- Comparison of different CT methods
- Comparison of CT with other testing approaches
- Combining CT with other testing approaches
- Experimental evaluation of CT
- Tools for combinatorial test generation
- Tools for measuring CT coverage
- Combinatorial test automation
- Case studies and industrial reports on CT applications
- Analysis of practical problems during CT application
- Domain-specific applications of CT


• Authors are invited to submit original papers with a maximum of eight pages.
• The format of submissions must follow the IEEE conference format.
• All submissions should be made at the submission site

Important Dates
• April 15, 2018 Submission deadline
• May 15, 2018 Author notification
• June 1, 2018 Camera-ready dues
• July 16-20, 2018 Conference

General Chair: Sergiy Vilkomir (East Carolina University, USA)

Program Chair: Junhua Ding (East Carolina University, USA)

Program Committee:

- Bestoun S. Ahmed, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Lydie du Bousquet, University Joseph Fourier, France
- Josip Bozic, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Miroslav Bures, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Eun-Hye Choi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- Loreto Gonzalez-Hernandez, University of Skövde, Sweden
- Rubing Huang, Jiangsu University, China
- Takashi Kitamura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- Richard Kuhn, National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA
- Jim Lawrence, George Mason University, USA
- Changhai Nie, Nanjing University, China
- Gilles Perrouin, University of Namur, Belgium
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, CINVESTAV, Mexico
- Preeti Satish, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, India
- Maria Spichkova, RMIT University, Australia
- Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan
- Cemal Yilmaz, Sabanci University, Turkey
- Kamal Z. Zamli, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

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