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MUISC ENSAD 2018 : Maltepe University International Student Congress On Architecture and Engineering


When Mar 14, 2018 - Mar 16, 2018
Where Istanbul-Turkey
Submission Deadline Feb 5, 2018
Categories    architecture   engineering   design

Call For Papers

Dear Students,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that, this year, the first installment of Maltepe University International Student Congress will be held by the collaboration of the Faculty of Engineering, Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Architecture and Design, and Vocational School and will be entitled as ENSAD’18: Engineering, Science, Architecture and Design.

As the main theme of the congress is “Global Problems of the 21st Century and Possible Solutions”, this installment will be organized around the theme “Intelligent Systems / Passive Design”. The congress is scheduled for 14-16 March 2018 at the Marma Hotel Istanbul located at the main campus of Maltepe University, ?stanbul. The most important feature of the conference is that the speakers will consist of undergraduate, graduate, master and Ph.D. students, typically affiliated to engineering or architecture programs. All the students are welcomed to be a part of our congress with their articles, dialogues, notes, and further comments.

For applications affiliated to engineering studies:

Our main focus area will be “Intelligent Systems”, with different views on what this phrase means. An intelligent system is defined as the system that incorporates intelligence into applications, handled by technologically advanced machines that can perceive and respond to the world around them. The growth of processor speed and memory capacity, as well as algorithmic advances, has created an opportunity for high-tech robotics and engineering systems. As a result, intelligent procedures are implemented in intelligent system design.

As with the new developments in technology, “Intelligent Systems” phenomenon continues to evolve. ENSAD’18 aims to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate students to take a closer look at areas of interest including, but not limited to, the following topics: Advanced Manufacturing, Approximate Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Autonomous Systems, Big Data Applications, Biometric Systems, Business Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Communications Engineering, Control Engineering, Data Mining Techniques, Decision Analysis, Deep Learning, Edtech: Educational Technology, Expert Systems, Fintech: Financial Technology, Fuzzy Systems, Geotechnical Engineering, Intelligent Infrastructure Systems, Intelligent Transportation, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Management Information Systems, Medtech: Medical Technology, Multidisciplinary approach to Civil Aviation, Nanotechnology and Nano systems, Operations Research, Pattern Recognition, Programming Languages, Robotics, Semantic Intelligence, Signal Processing, Simulation Techniques, Smart Applications, Smart Houses and Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Energy, Smart Health, Smart Mobility, Smart Production, Smart Systems Integration, Wireless Sensor Networks.

For applications affiliated to architecture and design studies:

Our main focus will be “Passive Design”. In an era where natural resources are uncontrollably wasted, designers are encouraged to think building efficiently, sustainably, and wisely. Rapidly advancing global economy is now widely recognized to be a major source of greenhouse gasses that reached to unprecedented levels, and the role of the construction industry, as the consumer of one third of the global energy, is an undeniable one.

It is widely projected that within two decades, the majority of global population will be living in urban areas, macing the development of sustainable cities is a top priority. This requirement leads us to passive design based on the efficient use of sustainable energy sources to minimize the energy consumption. Passive house, as a consequence of passive design, which includes energy efficient, healthy, comfortable, economical and environmentally responsive building standard, is a selection that we have as a human being to leave a more respectful "trace" to nature. As architects, designers, and interior designers, we are aware of this vital issue and would like to invite architecture, interior design, and nautical design students to ENSAD’18 students’ congress on this topic.


Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted for peer review by February 5th, 2018 via e-mail to the conference address . Guidelines will be mailed to you after we receive your letter of intent.

MUISC ENSAD’18 Web Address:


MUISC ENSAD’18 Title: Intelligent Systems / Passive Design

Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 5th, 2018

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