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SDL Forum 2017 : SDL Forum | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.sdl2017.hte.hu/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
18th International Conference on System Design Languages
of the SDL Forum Society (SDL Forum 2017) Model-driven Engineering for Future Internet October 9-11, 2017 Budapest, Hungary The SDL Forum is held every 2 years and is one of the most important open events in the calendar for anyone from the academia or industry involved in system design languages and modelling technologies. It is a prime conference event for the discussion of the evolution and use of these techniques. The most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field are discussed and presented. It is a forum to address system and software modelling, specification, and analysis of distributed systems, embedded systems, communication systems, and real-time systems. The SDL Forum Society that runs the Forum is a non-profit organization established by language users and tool providers to promote the Specification and Description Language (SDL), Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and related system design languages (including but not limited to UML, ASN.1, TTCN, SysML and URN), to provide and disseminate information on the development and use of the languages, to support education on the languages and to plan and organize the "SDL Forum" series and events to promote the languages. Objectives In the last few years, we have witnessed a new level of convergence in the networked digital ecosystem. A large variety of embedded devices are becoming connected. The ever growing number of heterogenous devices connected demands highly available, scalable, secure and mobile services from the telecommunications and computer networks side. The complexity of network services on the other side is increasing at the same time. There are several emerging standards in this field, followed by numerous implementations. This results in a time pressure on both standard implementations and the product development cycles. The specification, design, validation, configuration, deployment and maintenance of such products are complex tasks. Thus, high quality modeling of these new systems with system design languages is essential. The SDL Forum addresses issues related to the modelling and analysis of reactive systems, distributed systems and real-time and complex systems such as telecommunications, automotive, and aerospace applications. The conference programme will include: Presentations from invited speakers Tutorials Presentation of research papers Presentation of industrial experiences Tool demonstrations and posters Networking opportunities The intended audience includes users of modelling techniques in industrial, research and standardization contexts, as well as tool vendors and language researchers. Topics The aim of the Forum is to anticipate and influence future trends and to focus on issues that are important to its expected delegates. Authors are therefore invited to submit papers on topics related to System Design Languages including the following non-exclusive list of topics: Model-driven engineering for future Internet Internet of Things (IoT), including IoT services intelligent and co-operative transport systems (ITS, c-ITS) 5th generation wireless networks cloud environments network services software defined networks (SDN) language support Evolution of development languages domain-specific language profiles modular language design language extensions, semantics and evaluation real-time aspects and performance methodology for application education and promotion Model-driven development systems engineering and model transformation use case methods system architecture exploration analysis and simulation of models reuse approaches systematic and automated testing model-based testing (MBT) Industrial application reports industrial usage reports standardization activities tool support and frameworks domain-specific applicability (such as automotive, aerospace, offshore, control) Submission policy Submissions should be previously unpublished, written in English, no longer than 16 pages for full papers and 8 pages for short papers (including the illustrations and bibliography) and using the LNCS style as described on http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. Papers accepted or under review for other events are ineligible for submission to SDL2017. Submissions in the following categories are solicited: Full papers describing original, unpublished results (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) Short papers, describing work in progress (max. 8 pages in LNCS style) Posters and exhibits (submit poster and/or 400 word abstract) Important: Electronic submission in pdf-format, using EasyChair is mandatory, submission page: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sdlforum2017. Please refer to the conference homepage for more information. The SDL Forum Program Committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its accessibility to the audience. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, substance, correctness, and clarity. As in previous editions, the SDL2017 proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers have to adhere to the LNCS_format. LaTeX2e is recommended, preferably even at the initial submission stage to avoid later conversions. Accepted papers must be presented at SDL2017 by one of the authors. Important Dates Authors should submit an abstract as soon as possible. Abstract submission: May 28, 2017 Paper submission deadline: June 4, 2017 Notification of acceptance: July 2, 2017 Poster and exhibit proposals: July 16, 2017 Camera-ready version deadline: July 16, 2017 SDL Forum: October 9-11, 2017 |