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SIS-SS 2019 : The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Smart IoT Sensors and Social Systems for eHealth and Well-Being Applications


When Jul 15, 2019 - Jul 19, 2019
Where Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2019
Notification Due May 1, 2019
Final Version Due May 1, 2019
Categories    IOT   sensors   ehealth   security

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

The diffusion of mobile Apps is a consolidated phenomenon which is reinforced today by two other phenomena: the diffusion of IoT systems and that of social services. IoT systems allow users to interact with the environment that surrounds them, and this is becoming even more common today through the availability of companion Apps. Social services allow users to share their personal information and status, as well as data collected in their environment by IoT systems, enabling the design and implementation of complex gamified applications. Among the others, the field of eHealth and Well-Being services is the one where the diffusion of IoT devices, social services and Apps shows the most intense activity. Furthermore, it is the field that may have the most profound impact on people lives, helping them to move seamlessly towards safer and healthier habits.

In the healthcare domain, the increasing use and deployment of IoT devices make patient information exposed to cyber-threats aiming to exploit security vulnerabilities affecting those devices. New techniques, mechanisms, and policies are required to ensure security and privacy of sensitive and critical data generated by IoT sensors, especially when data are exchanged between different units of the same health organization.

Paper proposals on IoT systems, Apps and Social Services with application on eHealth and Well-Being are welcome. The papers can address both practical and theoretical arguments, and they can cover topics from device development and resource tuning, to system design, optimization and security. Papers on data collection, fusion, mining of health and well-being information, as well as on gamification and smart wearable systems are welcome too.

Scope of the workshop

Researchers and practitioners all over the world, from both academia and industry, working in the areas of embedded and IoT systems, mobile applications, social applications and data management are invited to discuss state of the art solutions, novel issues, recent developments, applications, methodologies, techniques, experience reports, and tools for the development of Smart IoT and Social systems for eHealth and Well-Being applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

IoT systems design for biometric and environmental parameters monitoring,
Network of IoT systems: design, implementation and optimization,
Algorithms for distributed data collection in BANs,
Sensors and systems for well-being monitoring,
Wearable devices and systems of wearable devices,
Biometric data collection: optimization and fusion,
Social applications and gamification for eHealth and Well-Being,
Smart personal assistants: systems, algorithms and social applications.
Data privacy and safety in social applications.
Privacy, security and safety in mobile Health and eHealth applications.

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