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SISM 2010 : International Workshop on Social Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring


When Jun 14, 2010 - Jun 14, 2010
Where San Francisco, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2010
Categories    social intelligence

Call For Papers



International Workshop on

June 14, 2010

San Francisco, USA (in conjuction with CVPR 2010)


Computer vision & pattern recognition are the main technologies used for
automatic monitoring of public spaces. Effective approaches for tracking
people, recognizing poses, postures, gestures, collective crowd
phenomena in public environments have been developed in the last years,
especially in the video surveillance context, aimed at classifying
(suspect, unusual, abnormal) behaviors.
However, they all seem to forget that, for humans, physical and social
space are tightly intertwined and no intelligent monitoring is possible
without taking into account social aspects associated to behaviors
displayed under the eyes of the cameras.

This workshop aims at filling this gap by gathering, for the first time
together, researchers active in computer vision and pattern recognition,
human sciences and automatic behavior understanding.
Joint research across these communities will have a major impact on any
technology that can benefit from automatic monitoring approaches,
including video-surveillance, architecture, ambient intelligence,
marketing, office space design, urbanism, etc.

Research, application and position papers are welcome.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

* Proxemics
* Human ethology
* Kinesics
* Spatial Empathy
* Territoriality
* Expressions and emotions
* Tracking: multi-person, multi-camera, group/crowd
* Motion segmentation and analysis
* Crowd/group analysis and simulation
* Social force models
* Collective and emergent behaviour
* Gesture/Action recognition
* Activity analysis
* Multi-person/group/crowd interaction analysis
* Spatial and temporal reasoning
* Sensory integration and data fusion
* Situation awareness and understanding
* Applications: Ambient Intelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring,
* Domotics, Intelligent Perceptual Marketing

Important Dates

*** March 15, 2010 *** PAPER SUBMISSION
April 5, 2010: Notification of acceptance
April 12, 2010: Camera-ready papers due

Keynote Speakers

Pascal Fua
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Switzerland
Karl Grammer (to be confirmed)
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology, Austria


The workshop will take place in conjuction with the Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2010 conference, in San Francisco
Further details on the venue will be announced on the workshop site.

Paper submission and review process

In submitting a manuscript to the workshop, the authors acknowledge that
no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted to another
conference or workshop.
Manuscripts should be in the CVPR paper format.
Papers accepted for the workshop will be allocated 6 pages in the
proceedings, with the option of purchasing up to 2 extra pages for $100
per page.
SISM reviewing is double blind. Reviewing will be by members of the
program committee, and each paper will receive at least two reviews.
Acceptance will be based on relevance to the workshop, novelty, and
technical quality.

The submission instructions will be announced and posted on the web site

Conference proceedings

The proceedings of SISM 2010 will be published in the proceedings of the
CVPR 2010 conference.

Organizing Committee

Vittorio Murino, University of Verona/Italian Institute of Technology
Marco Cristani, University of Verona/Italian Institute of Technology
Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow/IDIAP Research Institute
Isabella Poggi, University Roma Tre

Program committee

F. Bremond (INRIA)
A. Camurri (University of Genova)
R. Chellappa (University of Maryland)
I. Cohen (Honeywell)
R. Cowie (Queen’s University Belfast)
R. Cucchiara (University of Modena Reggio-Emilia)
F. d'Errico (University of Roma Tre)
J. Ferryman (University of Reading)
S. Gong (Queen Mary, University of London)
K. Grammer (Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology)
E. Hendriks (Delft University of Technology)
H. Högni Vilhjálmsson (Reykjavík University)
Y. Ivanov (MERL)
M. Mehu (University of Geneva)
L-P. Morency (Institute for Creative Technologies)
A. Nijholt (University of Twente)
J-M. Odobez (IDIAP Research Institute)
N. Sebe (University of Trento)
M. Shah (University of Central Florida)
M. Turk (University of California, Santa Barbara)
T. Xiang (Queen Mary, University of London)

Email for all inquiries: marco.cristani AT

Related Resources

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ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
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