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CPEP 2017 : Culture, Practice and European Policy


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    european sociology   european politics   european philosophy   european culture

Call For Papers

Culture, Practice and European Policy (CPEP) invites new contributions to its next issues. I would greatly appreciate if you could consider the attached CfP as well as forward it in your respective networks. The open and permanent call might be of interest for anyone working within the field of Europeanization, internationalization and intercultural encounters. Inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives are welcomed!

Texts may relate, inter alia, to the fields of internationalization of businesses and education, to research into trans-cultural encounters and communication, to migration, to the formation of attitudes towards Europe, or to comparative studies on social inequality and welfare. Please also consider that CPEP is interested in submissions of speeches, reports and essays, too.

You are welcome to visit the journal’s website here:
Best wishes from the CPEP team!

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